Friday, April 1, 2011 – Busy Day at Dupuis

The time has arrived for us to dump the RV, and our plan had been to go out the Dupuis and spend the weekend, but we decided that we have it so easy here at my brother’s that we would just take it out and dump, return, then take the horses out there for a ride, so that’s what we did. Once again, the ride was spectacular. Today we took the Red trail, part of which we had done before, but most of it was new. We really love this place, it truly is on our Top Ten list in terms of spending quality time with our horses. We were out for nearly four hours, with lots of trotting and cantering. At one spot, we saw a group of small deer and a wild turkey all gathered together, though they skedaddled once they saw us coming. It was a wonderful ride, and a great way to start off a new month!

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