Archives for January 2024

Sunday, January 21, 2024 – Laundry, Housework, Dinner at Jo’s

Hiya Babe,
Can't believe I didn't wake up until 10:00 this morning! Even though I was in bed fairly early last night, and I only woke up once during the night for a short time, I must still be recovering from my hangover, or more likely, this cold weather is making me go into hibernation mode. Anyway, I finally got moving (though if I didn't have to get up to feed the horses, I probably would have stayed in bed even longer!), and got busy with my day. Did a couple of loads of laundry, did some housekeeping, then eventually went over to Jo's where her husband Jeff had made a lovely bean soup, chatted for a while about map-making, then got home just before 8:00. Settled down to a quick episode of Eureka and a cup of Sleepytime tea before calling it a night. Have a ride on the yellow trail down in Tidewater planned for tomorrow, it's finally starting to warm up, with 80's forecast by mid-week! That's more like it! Love you, sweetie! Good night!

Saturday, January 20, 2024 – Quiet Day in Camp

Heya Sweetie,
Woke up a bit hung over from all the white Russians I drank with Jo last night, finally got up and fed the horses, dogs and me, then crawled back into bed for awhile to read. Didn't really do too much else today, except a bit of work on my Quicken program, though I still have a ways to go. Watched an interesting movie call The Circle with Tom Hanks, sort of a modern day version of 1984, and not a real stretch from what today's technology can do. Supposed to be going down into the high 20's overnight, so I'm certainly getting the opportunity to experience some winter-like conditions! Normally I'd be further south at this time of year, so it's an interesting change, but I'm not bothered. It's actually kind of nice to have at least a little seasonal change. In a few days it will be back up in the 80's, so it doesn't last long here! I put the outdoor faucets to the bathhouse and the pavilion with a little drip just to prevent any freezing. I think the other spigots will be okay, pretty sure whatever subfreezing temps we have won't last long enough to do any real damage, fingers crossed! Anyway, heading to shower and bed shortly. Good night, my darlin'! Love you!

Friday, January 19, 2024 – Work on Apex Orange and Check Handover

Hi Darlin',
Had a great night sleep, slept right through to the alarm this morning! Had a busy morning with chores and preparing the chicken for dinner at Jo's tonight. I had gotten up early so I could ride the entire orange long trail out of Apex, which means, except for the two cutoffs on orange and green, I've been on every designated trail out here. Yay! Thankfully, it was a lot drier, though there were still quite a few puddles and creeks, but nothing that lasted a hugely long time. Of course, all week the forecast had no rain for today, until this morning when it suddenly jumped to 60 percent. I took my new yellow Goethe poncho with me, and had to pull it out and use it when the rain started to come down a bit. Not real bad, but it was enough to get wet! I only put on a few stickers, cut a few odds and ends that were sticking out on the trail, etc., but once it started raining, I cut it short and headed straight to camp. As it turned out, I got there just in time to get Flash settled in the trailer and parked in front of the HQ for the 1:00 meeting there with Helen, Jo and Rick. Jo was a bit late, but we all had a nice chat while we were waiting. Helen remembered me, even said she had looked me up and was impressed by what I'd done. I was very flattered! We all had a nice chat, Jo presented the checks, one to the forest and one to Operation Outdoor Freedom, the two groups that are the beneficiaries of the December ride. Afterward I headed back to camp for a bit, then gathered all my stuff and headed over to Jo's, where we had a fabulous evening eating, drinking white Russians, and chatting until after 8:00. I got back to camp and fed the horses, blanketing them for 35 degree weather, though Apollo took exception and managed to kick me in the shins in his objection. We had words, then I had to put an ice pack on my leg for the rest of the evening. Watched one quick episode of Eureka before settling down to my usual Spanish lesson (600 day streak!!) and shower, then bed. Goodnight, babe! Love you!

Thursday, January 18, 2024 – Quicken and A Quick Ride

Hiya Babe,
Woke up a bit early, but stayed in bed until the temps warmed up a bit, then did my usual morning routine. After breakfast I did work on my Quicken program, and finally managed to figure out a workaround to merge my two credit card accounts, but it will still take some more time to correct and reconcile everything. At least I have a starting point now. I cleaned the restrooms, then saddled up Apollo for a short ride. He was only slightly better today about the pigs, and it took us almost an hour just to go two miles, but at least he got off the highline for awhile. We came across one downed tree but it was a bit too big for my little pruner, so I dropped a pin on it and sent it to Ranger Rick. He happened to be nearby, and drove up the road as Apollo and I were coming back to camp on it, so we chatted a few minutes. Also chatted with some riders in camp, and Jeff stopped by for a quick chat as well. Finally settled down for the evening, started and then abandoned a movie, now I'm just about ready for shower and bed! Good night, sweetie! Love you!

Wednesday, January 17, 2024 – Cold Day, Mostly Computer Work

Hey Sweetie,
Cold this morning! Just above the freezing point when I first woke up, then the temp dropped to 32 during the next hour! Even with the fireplace on all night, it was a bit chilly getting out of bed this morning. Finally managed to make it outside, where I'm sure my hungry horses were glad to have their blankets on. Did my chores and breakfast, then Ranger Rick came by to confirm the layout of my site. He expects he can get the first crew out here on Tuesday to take the necessary trees down, and doesn't seem to think the rest will take much time. They're really going like gangbusters on the project, surprisingly spry for a bureaucracy! After that I typed up the inventory list from the volunteer closet I did yesterday, and then spent some time trying to figure out how to fix my Quicken program. Spent nearly an hour chatting with someone named Douglas who said he could help me better if he called me, and said he would do so in a couple of minutes. He ended the chat and I never heard from him again, surprise, surprise. I kept working through the possibilities, and I think I may have figured out a way to fix it, but it will take a bunch of time. I tried it once and it made things worse, so I'll have to do it again, hopefully with less mistakes, and eventually, maybe, get it right, but it is definitely going to be time consuming. Can't understand why it's such a problem, I've never had this much trouble doing the exact same thing that I've done several times before. Sigh... Anyway, settled down for the evening to a movie about geriatric romance (something I'm still too young for!), and will be finishing up the evening here shortly. Good night, my darlin'! Love you!

Tuesday, January 16, 2024 – Rain, Closet Cleaning and Site Marking

Hiya Darlin',
Woke up several times during to night, mostly to noisy rain showers until I put in my earplugs, then slept solidly until after 9:00! Met Rick and Jerry shortly thereafter, the latter being the one who's going to be clearing the area for my new host site. We did some walking around and discussing until we found a good spot, not really far from where I am, just a bit further away from the pavilion, but still uphill from the septic field. They'll have to move the gate I'm behind, but that didn't seem to faze them at all. If I keep the horses where they are, they'll actually be visible from my screen room, which will be a nice addition. Took advantage of the rainy weather to go down to headquarters and do a cleanup and inventory on the "volunteer" closet, found an amazing amount of stuff in there, tools, educational and giveaway items, trail marking and maintenance equipment, and a bunch of boxes of old permits, some of which I'm pretty sure are too old to be hanging on to, though I asked the manager, Logan, how far back we had to keep, and he's checking on it. Should be able to throw out a couple of boxes, though. Surprised myself by getting the whole thing done by a little after 3:00, I thought I'd have to come back tomorrow, but I don't! I will be putting the list on my computer for distribution in the morning. Got back to camp, then used ribbons we found to mark off the site we selected so it will be ready when they come with the equipment to do the job. They seem very eager to get it done, so I want don't want to do anything to delay it! They seemed quite happy to let me just pick the spot! Got the horses fed, then blanketed them, Flash with a heavy blanket, Apollo with a lighter blanket. It's still really warm and humid, so I felt kind of bad covering them, but it's clearing overnight and the temps will be dropping around midnight, and the low in the morning is supposed to be below freezing, so I just had to do it! Settled down for the evening to a cute little country romance movie, heading to bed early, hopefully, I'd really like to get back on a normal sleep schedule, which seems to be eluding me at the moment. Anyway, love you, babe! Good night!

Monday, January 15, 2024 – First Ride Ever at Apex Trailhead

Hey Babe,
Well, I didn't have to wait long for a warmer, sunnier day. Well, warmer, at least. The sun came out occasionally, but it was mostly cloudy. Started in the 50's and worked it's way up to about 70 by the middle of the afternoon. With all the riding I've done in Goethe, I'd never been to the Apex trailhead by the forest headquarters, but since it's one of the trails that I'm responsible for now, I figured today was a good day to give it a look. Turns out we needed to do a LOT of work on it. We rode the long green trail, and had to cut up and move quite a few trees and limbs, cut back some growth that was sticking out into the trail, put a few new stickers on the markers, battled with some brambles, and waded through miles of water, but managed to get the trail in somewhat better shape than it was. Not perfect, but a heck of a lot better. Not sure I would willingly ride this trail again, unless it's after about a two month drought. Got soaked up to my knees, and Flash was in knee-deep water so often it turned his fur brown. Lola enjoyed playing in the water, but I think even she was tired of it by the end of our 12.5 mile ride. Took over 3.5 hours, and had to use my little pruner quite a lot. The weather was fantastic, though, so I never got too cold even with being wet. Still another trail or two out here to do, that will be on the next nice day. Got back, got everybody settled, had a nice dinner, and my evening proceeded as usual! Good night, sweetheart! Love you!

Sunday, January 14, 2024 – More Trail Planning, and Laundry Day

Hiya Sweetie,
Had a good night sleep, woke up to cold temps again, and very grateful I had my fireplace on all night last night so at least the bungalow was warm getting up this morning! I had hoped to ride today, but it remained cloudy and didn't really warm up until it was too late to ride. The forecast for this week is screwy, it's either cold and sunny or warm and rainy! I'm looking forward to a day when it's warm AND sunny! Ended up working some more on the trail planning, doing several loads of laundry, and trying to figure out how to update my Quicken program, which has refused to merge my new credit card account with my old one, though I know there must be a way. I FINALLY figured out how to download the last two years of transactions into a new account, but I need to merge the transactions from the previous account to the new one. All this just because I had to replace the credit card! Grrr! It's taken me hours over weeks and months to get this far. The last conversation I had with Quicken support was that it was my problem and I'll just have to enter the transactions manually! Yeah, thanks. Oh, well, it's been nice and cozy in front of the fireplace, just doing my usual routine. Watched a great movie with an all-star cast about Napa wines beating out the French in a blind taste test, lots of fun! Good night, my darlin'! Love you!

Saturday, January 13, 2024 – Trail Planning, Hay and Electrical Repair Day

Hey Darlin',
Spent a good part of the day working on trail planning on my computer, the second section of the forest I'm working on is quite tricky, and I've still got a ways to go to get it right. I went out to pick up some hay, hoping that the parts to fix my electric would come in and all I'd have to do is swing by and get them, but that didn't work out. Instead I brought the hay home and got it stored (he threw in two extra bales because he said some of them were too light!), then did the preparation on the electrical cord so that it would be a "simple" matter to just replace the end. Just as I was wrapping that up, Jo's husband Jeff called to say the packages were arriving, so I jumped in the truck and ran to get them. Of course, it took me three times longer to do the job than I figured, and by the time it was done and the horses were fed, it was well past dark, but ultimately, it worked, and I now have electric again! Barely soon enough, the temps dropped fast today and even though the fireplace has been going for nearly two hours now, I'm wearing a wool cap and I had a cup of hot cocoa, I'm still feeling a bit of a chill! Looking forward to a hot shower and a warm bed! Hoping to get a ride in tomorrow, but not sure if it's going to get warm early enough, but we'll see. I've been getting a little spoiled by having water and electric, reverting to generator and inverter yesterday was a throwback that was a reminder of my usual travel life, and I was glad to get back to having electric again. Anyway, a good, productive day, looking forward to a good night sleep. Good night, babe! Love you!

Friday, January 12, 2024 – Shopping Day

Hi Babe,
Started the day with just a spring of rain, nothing like the doomsday scenario the weather people were predicting, surprise, surprise. Although it was a mostly typical morning, I suddenly lost electricity, and further inspection revealed that I have completely fried the far end of my 50 amp cord, the adapter that went from 50 to 15, and the 15 amp cord that went into the outlet. I had put a bucket it over it to protect it from the rain, but neglected to raise it off the ground, which I'm guessing is the problem, and it shorted and burned everything out. After multiple phone calls, it became clear that the replacement I needed wasn't available in nearby Dunnellon, so I ended up ordering all the parts off Amazon with a delivery for tomorrow. No worries, I still have a generator, so I can get power when I need it. Fortunately, it's very warm today, in the mid 70's, so I won't need the fireplace, but it's supposed to cool down tomorrow and for the following few days, so obviously I need to get it fixed in a hurry. I parked the little trailer and headed into town anyway, picked up horse feed at Tractor Supply, then on to Walmart for more basics. In addition to buying some plastic containers I'm going to try to use to protect the plugs, I also thing I may have solved another long-standing problem, how to get the horses access to a salt block. I bought one last time I shopped, and put it in an old plastic dog bowl and put in on the ground near the water buckets, but they quickly crushed that and spread bits of salt all around, though before that it was obvious they had been licking on it (well, at least one of them had). I've been trying to figure out a way to hang one on the highline, without having to use one of those Himalayan type salt-on-a-rope deals, which I find only get half chewed before they fall off the rope. When I was in Tractor Supply, I happened by the bird food section and saw something they called a suet holder. It was made of metal and seemed like it might serve the purpose, except that it was too small. So I got online to look for a larger one, and did find one, but when I went into Walmart, I stopped first at the garden center, and discovered they had large ones there! Amazing. It's the perfect fit for the small mineral bar, and I was able to tie it on the highline very easily. Flash was sniffing at it moments after it was up, but we'll have to wait and see if they really lick on it. Seems like the perfect solution, but you never know! It was after 4:00 by the time I got back, put everything away, chatted with Bev for a few minutes, then settle down to a quiet evening of dinner and a movie. Very warm and humid, but I'm not complaining, the weather in my hometown in upstate NY is running between 15 and 30 degrees, so I'm still a happy camper! Just have my shower and bed left! Good night, sweetheart! Love you!