Archives for 2024

Tuesday, May 14, 2024 – Rainy Rest Day

Hey Sweetie,
Woke up to the sound of pouring rain as promised. Laid in bed till it let up a bit, then got up and did my chores. Had a very leisurely day, spent some time on my "new" computer, which I'm loving, and ordered a bunch of stuff I've been meaning to get. When we were out on the trail yesterday, I brushed against a tree with a limb sticking out and tore a nice big hole in my yoga riding pants, and I've been patching up most of my others as well, so I finally bought a five-pak of new yoga pants. Also some much needed tools, including a good heavy duty battery impact wrench and a hammer stapler. I won't use them often, but when I need them, I'll be glad I have them! No more sitting by the road waiting for road service when I have a flat tire for me! I also bought an adapter so the impact wrench can also be a screwdriver and drill bit. My old one is so worn out it barely works anymore, but I've had it a very long time, so it served its purpose. Another three-pak of socks and I feel like I'm just about ready for my trip to the Red Rock Ride in a few weeks! I checked their list and I have everything else I need, though I will have to get my sleeping bag down and give that a wash. Watched a couple of movies and a Northern Exposure, played a lot of games on the computer, and otherwise had a very relaxing day while it rained all day. Finally cleared up a bit in the evening, but it's supposed to rain a lot tomorrow, too, which is fine by me. I'm not thrilled about going out for another ride, especially if it's muddy, which it will most certainly be after all this rain! Heading to bed shortly! Good night, my darlin'! Love you!

Monday, May 13, 2024 – Long, Slow Ride on Flash

Pix to come.

Hiya Darlin',
Got to sleep late, then slept a little late as well, but it was a beautiful day, so a ride was definitely on the schedule! Especially since the forecast for the next couple of days is rain! After my usual morning chores, plus putting an extra layer of silver tape on the front end of the trailer to keep the rain out, I finally saddled up Flash and we headed out to do about 12 miles of the River Trail and a couple of other loops in the northern section of the forest. It was a slow ride! Between the rough terrain and difficult footing, we hardly ever got above three miles an hour. There was only one spot about a quarter mile across a field that we were able to gait through. It took us over 4.5 hours to do just under 13 miles, which was ridiculously slow. It didn't help that one of his boots kept coming off again, so I finally had to leave it off. I kept one on his right front hoof, the one that has a little split in it, to try to keep it from any further damage. We were all exhausted by the time we got back to camp. One thing I like about the trails is that they're all single track, which is my favorite, but at times the trail was so narrow that the growth on the sides made it feel like a jungle. The inconsistent footing, which went from mud to rock and everything in between, was frustrating. Some sections were very nice, with a good dirt bottom, but you had to go through hell and back to get to them. Along the river was particularly inconsistent, with a few lovely sections, but an awful lot of rough going as well. The climb away from the river seemed like a mile on terrible rock, reminded me of the last time I was at Big South Fork in TN, which I didn't enjoy very much. Some of their trail "remedies" weren't very good, Flash did not like where there were concrete bricks surrounded by lumber squares and deep mud, so we had to find alternate routes a couple of times. It was a tough day, though it is a beautiful forest. it's just too slow, we could never get above a slow walk. Lola did well, but she was exhausted by the time we got back to camp, too. Had a nice dinner, did my usual evening routine. Then I got a call from Jo that the AERC, the governing body of the Goethe Benefit Ride that we've been a part of for so long, won't be happening this year, because of a lot of political nonsense. Very disappointing! Hope that won't have any affect on my volunteering for the forest! Anyway, a long and tiring day, I'm headed to shower and bed! Good night, baby! Love you!

Sunday, May 12, 2024 – Laundry, Housekeeping and Ride on Apollo

Pix to come.

Hey Babe,
A good night sleep, probably because I put my earplugs in to fend off all the partying going on out there. It was absolutely packed here last night! They did quiet down by 10:30, so it wasn't that bad, but I figured some folks would be up and moving early this morning, and I didn't want that to wake me. Slept in a bit, worked on my shoulder a little, then got up to chores, breakfast and the first of three loads of laundry that I did today. I also did some housekeeping, and then finally, saddled up Apollo for a short ride. I had to trip him front feet first, though, since they hadn't been done in awhile, and I needed to fit his boots. We only went about 3.7 miles, which took an hour and a half, but it was rough terrain compared to what he's been used. He's been a flatlander on sand for so long, these hills and this rocky footing was a challenge! He was up to it, though, I was very proud of it. He seemed to limber up as time went on, so I was glad he was moving better the further we got. Lola came along as well, wasn't sure she would want to after our long ride on Friday, but she's seems to be back in perfect condition. Gave him a nice rinse when we got back, then I filled the truck tank up again, had to replenish their water and mine so I could keep doing laundry. A very nice day, gorgeous weather, got lots done, and had a ride. Who could ask for anything more? Life is good! Settled down for my usual evening, though I may take a walk again tonight to see if the Northern Lights are out there. At least tonight it looks like we have clear skies. Either way, I'll be in bed soon! Good night, sweetie! Love you!

Saturday, May 11, 2024 – Running Around For Computer Fix

Hiya Darlin',
Had a great night sleep after going to bed pretty early, got more chores done, then finally dared to turn on my computer to see if it was fixed, but alas, no luck. Not that it wasn't working, just that none of my navigational tools would get me anywhere. A few of the buttons on the keyboard worked, but not enough to be functional. So, on my phone, I started looking around at all my options, and in the end, settled on a local computer repair shop where I headed out to around 12:30. After speaking with him, one alternative was to find a similar computer where we could just change out the hard drive, which was my favorite option. But I wanted him to check it out to see if we could just switch out the keyboard and/or mousepad. I had found that there was quite a few online, but most would require shipping, but a couple were actually local in Charlotte, which is only about an hour away. One was at the local Goodwill for about $20, but it looked pretty rough, and when I spoke to the guy, he was alone and couldn't confirm it was still available. Then I found another one in downtown Charlotte, so I ended up driving downtown and meeting up with a guy who sold me one for $80, which I still thought was a pretty good deal. Turns out it was in great shape. Barely made it back to the computer shop before he closed at 6:00, arrived at 5:57 and together we switched out the hard drive and the RAM and were back out the door by 6:03, so I didn't keep him long. I paid him $20, so I know have a practically brand new computer for $100, which seems like a bargain to me! Frankly, my old computer was in pretty bad shape, with broken corners where I had dropped it, and the monitor had a bug in it (a literal bug!) that had crawled up under the glass somehow and got stuck and died there, so I always had a little speck on my screen. This new computer feels perfect! With the old solid state, one terabit hard drive, I'm back in business! I made a quick stop at Food Lion next door before heading home, I had forgotten to get lemon-lime the other day when shopping, and also bought a few frozen dinners on sale just for a change of pace. Got back to camp, fed the horses, popped in a personal pizza and settled down for the night. One thing the guy at the computer shop told me was that the Aurora Borealis was actually being seen here in North Carolina this weekend! I found that hard to believe, but apparently there's some kind of electro-magnetic anomaly happening, so I headed out to check that out, only to be met with raindrops instead. No clear skies tonight! Guess I missed it, but maybe it will still be here tomorrow. Still on my bucket list, to see the northern lights! One of the few items I haven't yet accomplished!. A busy runaround day, but well worth the effort to have a really good, working computer again! Good night, darlin'! Love you!

Friday, May 10, 2024 – Nice Four Hour Ride on Flash

Pix to come.

Hey Babe,
Had a better night sleep, got my chores done, saddled up Flash, including boots and his breast collar, and left camp about noon. Absolutely gorgeous weather today! The trails were a bit rockier than I like, so I was happy I had put his boots on, and especially happy that I put his breast collar on when we immediately started climbing hills and dales. I had a nice ride along the lake planned, only to discover that the main trail I had selected was not open to horses, so I had to make up an alternate route on the fly. We did end up reaching the lake, using the same trail I think we used last time we were here nearly 12 years ago, but then I added another loop further south, and finally, not wanting to repeat too much of my trip, took an even farther south loop to get back to camp. It was a lovely, albeit rocky, ride. I took a short spur to something marked on the map as a Nifty Rock, whereas the trail signs just called it a Big Rock. It was only about 150 feet off the main trail, and yes, it was a group of bigger rocks, so I guess it was a Kodak spot. Flash lost his boot a couple of times, and finally it was too muddy to stay on, so I tucked it in my saddle bag and he had to finish the ride without it. Thankfully, the last couple of miles were a lot less rocky, so we made it home okay. Got him rinsed off and put away, then got busy with some stuff on my computer. Unfortunately, while I was sitting outside with my computer in my lap, my unstable little table rocked a bit and knocked over my beer, and a little spilled onto my keyboard. I immediately pulled out the battery and turned it upside down, hoping to get most of the liquid out of it, and will leave it that way overnight. I ended up watching a very good movie called Atonement (I could see why it was nominated for seven Oscars, it had the British A-list of stars), and settled down for an early night, considering I didn't have my laptop to keep me from going to bed! Fingers crossed it will work okay in the morning. Good night, sweetie! Love you!

Thursday, May 9, 2024 – Repairs and Water Tank Cleaning

Hiya Sweetie,
Had a hard time getting to sleep last night, went to be about 11:00 but it was well after 2:00, or probably later, when I finally fell asleep. I drank two cans of cream soda, so I thought maybe there was caffeine in it and that was the culprit, but not according to the research I didn, so I have no idea why I couldn't sleep. So naturally, I woke up tired. Got the horses fed and chores done, and after breakfast I did some repairs that have piled up. There was a pin on one of the awning arms that needed fixing, that took some ingenuity to get it done, but I managed it. I had to fix the trailer door, that was mostly hammering and a little finesse. When I unhooked the truck the other day, I started dropping the front end down and didn't realize the door was open and resting on my mounting block stairs, so the door got bent under all the weight. I managed to get that in pretty good shape as well, though I need to do a little sanding to smooth out the aluminum frame. Next, I climbed up on the roof and got my pressure washer out of the attic and spent quite a bit of time washing out the truck's water tank. I had to do a lot of hand scrubbing, but I finally got it done and refilled. all that took until after 2:00, and was physically tiring, especially after so little sleep, and I ended up dozing in my recliner for a little nap while I was reading. Finally settled down for the evening, dinner and a couple of Northern Exposures. Ready for shower and bed! Good night, my darlin'! Love you!

Wednesday, May 8, 2024 – Hot, Muggy, Rainy Rest Day

Hey Darlin',
There's a heat wave going on, and I am SO GLAD I'm in a place with electricity so I can run my AC, otherwise it would be miserable! Mid-80's with humidity is making it feel like 90, and I'm so not ready for that! I laid in for a long time this morning, working with my massager on my shoulder and the calf of my leg, which has been weirdly stiff, finally got up for chores and then spent the rest of the day either reading or watching movies. I just needed a day of rest, and this is the perfect place to do that, now that everything seems to be sorted out with my site. It's been a lovely, quiet day, just what I needed, with a couple of short storms which cooled it off and shut the cicadas up for awhile. They are so noisy, they sound just like the alien ships from the original War of the Worlds movie, all screechy and noisy. Anyway, won't be out of bed for long, supposed to rain overnight and tomorrow afternoon, with a break in the morning when I plan to do some minor repairs on the trailer. Good night, babe! Love you!

Tuesday, May 7, 2024 – Not The Day I Planned!

Hi Babe,
Despite a few bouts of rain, I got a good night sleep last night, with visions of doing very little today and catching up on my rest. Well, that didn't work out as planned. I realized I probably didn't have enough hay to last until Wednesday, at least not enough to make the switch over, since I like to mix it half and half for a few days so it's not too sudden a change. Since haying season has started here, I was able to find some brand new fescue locally for $7 a bale, so I decided to make this my hay and shopping day. I got online last night and was delighted to find the local Tractor Supply had some Empower Balance in stock, so I ordered five bags of various feed to pick up today. But just as I was feeding the horses this morning, the recreation ranger came by and informed me that despite promising to get my name on this site immediately, the woman I spoke to yesterday didn't follow through, and someone had reserved this site out from under me for the weekend, and would I mind moving up to the camp host spot? Obviously, I was not thrilled at the idea. I know I live a charmed life by most standards, so I'm generally willing to make sacrifices for other people, and at first, I kind of agreed, but then when I went up to look at the site, I decided I just couldn't go along with that. It was all gravel, had a tiny house up on stilts where the trailer should go, which means I would be stuffed in at a bad angle, barely fitting. They had covered corrals, no highline, and I just didn't like the site, so I called them back and left a message that I wasn't going to move, that I was sorry, but they told me this site was available, so the problem was one for them to solve, not me. I mean, it was only for the weekend, two nights, so why should I suffer for two weeks because of their mistake? Anyway, I headed out to pick up the hay, which was really nice and I know the horses will love it, then stopped at a trailer place to see if I could find a replacement brake adjuster plug for the one I lost yesterday, then to Tractor Supply to pick up my order, then to Walmart for some shopping, then to Food Lion for the stuff I couldn't get at Walmart, and finally back to camp. I noticed they had cordoned off one of the First Come, First Served sites, so I'm guessing that's how they decided to solve their problem, so now I guess I can relax. I didn't need that stress!! I arrived back at camp at 3:00, but by the time I put away the groceries, stored the hay under the gooseneck and put up the skirting, hauled the feed bags to the back of the trailer, gave the horses a new bag of mixed and poured some Rain-X into the windshield washer into my truck, it was nearly 4:30, and I was sweating like a pig in the heat and humidity. Thank goodness I have electricity, and had left the AC on this morning, the trailer was nice and cool! Glad to see a cold front moving in before the weekend, it's already getting too hot for me here in the South! Cracked open a beer and am settling down for an evening of dinner and a movie and the usual Spanish lesson, shower and bed! Love you, sweetie! Good night!

Monday, May 6, 2024 – Exhausting Travel Day to Canebrake Horse Camp, Uhwarrie NF, NC

Pix to come

Hiya Sweetie,
Well, the good news is, I made it! It was just an exhaustingly long day. Since it was only 170 miles, I wasn't too worried about getting an early start, but I was up and moving by 8:00 anyway. After breakfast, I hooked up the trailer and pulled it forward to slightly higher ground, then ran it up onto the jiffy jack so I could adjust the brakes on the trailer. When I tested the emergency slide on the brake controller, it didn't feel like anything happened, so I decided to adjust them. The first wheel I looked at was really weird, and it got me a little worried. That's because there were wires coming out of the adjustment hole! I know it didn't used to be like that, so evidently, the last time I had the brakes done, the guy did some kind of jury rig to wire it up! No idea. Anyway, I couldn't very well use by brake tool with wires sticking out, so I moved on the other three. All of them were pretty loose, so I tightened them just right. Glad I did, though they still didn't exactly stop the tires, but I could feel a little bit more drag, which is all I think I can hope for at this point. I've been so worried about going down Black Mountain on my way out, I've been feeling a lot more stressed than usual. After that, I loaded up the horses, took down the fence, and then proceeded to clean their corral area, which was pretty difficult because there was so much manure, and the grass was so long it made it nearly impossible to pick up. I did the best I could, though I did scatter some just because it was too hard in the grass. That was exhausting, and took me nearly half an hour. I finally got on the road about 10:45, and leaving the Biltmore Estate grounds just after 11:00. The miles on I-40 on the way to Black Mountain were nerve-racking, I could feel my heart pounding in my chest. When I finally got there, I was super careful about not letting my speed get up, only hitting my brakes intermittently, and generally being as cautious as possible. Thank goodness, I made it down to the bottom with no issues. I was so relieved!! After reading up on how my trailer is really too much weight for my truck, I'm paranoid, but we made it, all is well. The rest of the drive was uneventful, though Google maps took me through a lot more small towns than I would have liked, hit every dang light on the way. Once I got here, though, another problem. The site I had reserved, #7, said it was 65' long, so I figured I had plenty of room. Only problem is, the back 20' is the only level part of it, the rest is on a serious downhill grade! No way was I going to fit in there! I called the office and a very nice lady there helped me find another site. At first she was trying to get me in a First come, First served site, but both of them are too small, so she finally found two more that were available for the full two weeks, and I picked 28, which was just barely long enough, but the highline posts were on higher ground than 27, where they were way down below and soaking wet from the rain. They had even put rubber stall mats down there to try to make it more appealing, but I was having none of that. At one point while I was looking at it, I slipped and fell, landing in a position that bent my bad knee completely back against my thigh, so now I have ice on it. Anyway, it took awhile, but I finally got the highline up and the horses out, and got myself backed into the site properly. I just barely fit, but it's kind of tucked away, so as long as nobody with a really long trailer comes around the corner and needs the extra room, I should be okay. There's a bypass anyway, so this little loop only has these two sites, so hopefully it will be quiet. Well, the cicadas are out so it's noisy as heck right now, but I think they shut up at night, don't they? Anyway, finally settled in, started a load of laundry, delighted to see an excellent cell phone signal so I can start loading up my pix from last week, and I won't have to fight for streaming. Odd that at the Biltmore, where we were right next to a major city, I had a terrible signal, and now, out here in the boonies, I have a good one. Bizarre. Bad news is that there isn't water at every site like I thought there would be, so I had to fill up my tanks at the wash rack (the rest seem to be spigots without threads, sigh), but at least I won't have any trouble filling up my truck tank. I started a load of laundry, I'm in need of fresh sheets, but that's the extent of my energy! Anyway, enough chit-chat, we're here, we're safe, we're tired, we're going to bed! Good night, my darlin'! Love you!

Sunday, May 5, 2024 – Rode The White Trail and Did Some Packing

Pix to come.

Hey Baby,
Had a decent night sleep, but had no urgency to get up this morning. I was supposed to be collecting glow sticks on the white trail today, but with no 100 milers, and with 75 milers making really good time yesterday (the last rider went by the finish line at 8:40!), they elected not to put them up, so I didn't really have anything to do today. Since I was scheduled, though, they were kind enough to let me stay the extra night, which I really appreciated, since I hate driving on Sundays. It was a beautiful day, so I saddled up Flash and rode the white trail anyway, since everyone was telling me that was the nicest trail. Well, I'm afraid I'd going to have to disagree, I didn't particularly like the white trail. Yes, it went along the river for a while, but the path was gravel and had heavy pedestrian and bike traffic, and spent a lot of time going around the perimeter of fields, just wasn't my cup of tea. It only got interesting when we were going backward on the red trail, which right now, is my favorite. So I''ve ridden the lime, purple, red and white, and haven't ridden the blue, orange or either of the yellows. Apparently yellow west is only open for this event, so I'll probably never see that. Anyway, we left camp about 10:30 and got back before 2:00, not a very fast pace, but we weren't in any particular hurry either. Got back to camp, gave Flash a rinse and cleaned up the water tank in the back of the truck, then put just enough water in to fill up the horse buckets and give me a little more for my shower tonight, I was down to one light on the monitor, and didn't want to run out. I also don't want to carry much water down that big mountain we have to go down tomorrow! I'm planning on checking the trailer brakes and possibly adjusting them tomorrow, they don't seem to be doing much when I hit the emergency button on the controller, but we'll see. Anyway, settled down for the evening to a couple of Northern Exposures and a movie, won't be long out of bed! Good night, my darlin'! Love you!