Wednesday, December 7, 2022 – Day Three-Longer Day than Expected

Hiya Darlin’!
Had a good night sleep, first time I didn’t keep waking up cold. Wool cap, socks, two blankets above and below, and my sleeping bag, that was all it took! Managed to get packed up and still had plenty of time, so I’m setting my alarm for just a bit later tomorrow. We had heard the ride was only about eight miles, so we figured we would be back in camp mid-afternoon at the latest, but it turned out to be much longer and slower. At one point the herd all but stampeded across a huge field, and it took over an hour just to round them up, settle them down, and get moving again. I heard later that, sorry to say, one of the dogs had been trampled and they had to bury it, which added to the time. Flash was much better today, so it was definitely the feed making him crazy. We were so late getting into camp the sun set before we got setup (so much for having a few hours to let stuff dry out!) and dark before we finished. Managed to wash my hair, the forest service guys were filling horse troughs and they let some of us do a quick shampoo under their hose. That did wonders for my attitude. Got my phone and charge on the generator so now I’m all charged up again. Didn’t stay for the historical program after dinner, but we could hear it on the PA system. Too darned tired! Heading to bed right now, and it’s not even 9:00! Love you, sweetie! Good night!

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