Thursday, Nov. 5, 2020 – Laundry, Errands and Another Reconnaissance Ride

Hiya Babe,
A beautiful morning this morning, with temps starting out warmer than they have been, thank goodness! After chores and breakfast I did a load of laundry and hung it out, then filled the trailer and the horses water buckets from the tank on the pickup, then took two of the older propane tanks down to Walmart to trade them in. I discovered that the reason I couldn’t get one filled was that despite the fact the tank is rated to last 12 years, there’s an Alabama state law that requires them to expire after 10 years. Guess the gas lobby has some pull in Montgomery! Anyway, these two were original with the trailer from 2011 anyway, so I decided to switch them out so the issue wouldn’t occur again, so I made sure I got two tanks that were very close to being new, and with a 2020 date on them, will last about as long as I will! On the way back to camp I went to the highway dept. and refilled the truck’s water tank just in case I need any more, though I should have enough now to get through to when I leave, probably Monday or Tuesday. I still haven’t decided yet where I’m going when I leave here, there are pros and cons to every place I’ve looked at, but I do want to end up at Mingo Trails as my last stop before Florida, and hopefully stay for at least a week or more. I have a vet lined up to get my horse passports so I can get into Florida, that will take a few days to complete, which should be no problem. I got back to camp and saddled up Apollo, and we headed out to hit some more sections of the trail that I wanted to experience. They were mostly marked “challenging” but I wouldn’t consider them more than moderate, except possibly one trail called Jerry Hill, which is very rocky and quite steep. I probably should have done that one earlier instead of last, Apollo was pretty wrung out by the time we came off that trail, but who knew? He did great, though. I’m finding the trail markers a bit unsettling because they aren’t all on the same side of the trail as they should be, and every time I see a marker on the left I keep looking for a left turn which isn’t there. On top of that, there are no double markings for turns, so I got off-track several times today by going straight on a trail before realizing the trail had turned off somewhere and had to backtrack. There are some hills where they really need to add some switchbacks, or they’re going to have erosion problems later, plus it’s a lot steeper in some places than it needs to be. Anyway, I’m going to write a report for their trail committee with more details when I get the chance. It was a good ride, though, I enjoyed it other than that, though Apollo worked up quite a sweat on that last hill! Got back to camp just before 4:00, I grabbed some dinner, got my laundry in, then fed everyone else and settled down for the evening, once again lamenting how early it gets dark these days in the central time zone. I managed to finish off the Gary Cooper movie I had trouble with the other day, and tried to watch another movie, but again, halfway through it quit, so I took my shower, then went to a SHIELD while I had my sleepytime tea, now I’m ready for bed. Good night, my darlin’! Love you!

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