Thursday, June 10, 2021 – Happy 32nd Anniversary! First Ride with Group

Hi Sweetie!
Hard to believe it would have been 32 years of marriage today! And 35 years together! What a ride it’s been, and still is! We all slept well, and this morning after chores, we all mounted up for our first group ride together. I had planned about an 8-mile trip, which everyone thought was a good start just to see how it all went, and it turned out quite well. Maggie rode Flash for the first time, Sandy was on Apollo, and I was on Pat’s extra horse Socks, a beautiful quarter horse mare with lots of get up and go. Only problem was, as the ride progressed, Pat was rather adamant that I keep Socks at a walk, no matter what. She really wanted to run up hills and jog to catch up with the leaders, but Pat said no, so toward the end, Socks was really being pushy about wanting to go, and I would have loved to, she had a beautiful jog and a fabulous lope, but instead I was fighting her for the last couple of miles. Not as much fun as I would have liked, but beggars can’t be choosers, it was either that or stay home. Other than that bit of trouble, the ride was quite nice, lots of dirt roads, not as much gravel as I’ve seen, though there was still quite a bit. Not too steep but still some grades, overall a good ride. Got back to camp just after 2:00, didn’t have any rain again, despite the dire forecast of storms, got all the horses put away. Sorry to say that Flash’s bulbs are being rubbed raw by these new boots, he’s going to have to get a few days off before we’re going to try that again. Apollo isn’t raw, but he’s definitely footsore, he was dragging behind all day. Well, can’t say I blame them, they’ve been working hard the last few weeks! Not used to this rough terrain! The ladies then decided they wanted to go visit a horse sale barn, where Candy had bought her Walkaloosa a few years ago, just for fun, so off we went. It was only about 20 minutes away, so it was an easy trip. We walked around the barn and looked at all the horses, but since I wasn’t in the market, I ended up going back to the truck and taking care of a little business, including find a local haymaker and arranging to pick some up over the weekend. When we got back to camp, we discovered it had rained while we were gone (and there was a beautiful rainbow right over camp!), but we had left out tack out to dry, and of course it got wet, but a couple of young ladies who had moved in across the road from us told us they had put out saddles inside the screen room for us! How incredibly kind and thoughtful! We put the rest away, then got dinner ready, which we enjoyed at the picnic table, then settled down for the evening trying to figure out what we’re going to do tomorrow. I want to let my horses rest, and there’s only one spare horse, so we’re thinking Sandy will ride Socks, and Maggie and I will stay home. I really have a lot of work to get caught up on, and I have all next week to ride, and Maggie has already said she wants to rest tomorrow, so I think that’s the best solution. Anyway, enjoying a little bowl of ice cream, then I’ll be taking a shower and be off to bed shortly! Good night, my love! Happy Anniversary! Love you forever and ever!

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