Thursday, Jan. 14, 2016 – Another Great Ride in Jupiter

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Since the forecast was predicting rain coming in this afternoon, Hubby and I got up a little earlier and were out on the trails by 11:00 (okay, that may not be early for some, but we want to make as many deposits in our sleep bank as possible, since we'll be getting up around 5 a.m. during the Cattle Drive!) This time we took a slightly different route, heading east on the canal that heads to Mack Dairy Road before going out to the gazebo, adding some extra mileage, though not extra time because we spent a lot more time jogging and cantering along the way. Dogs enjoyed it as well, and we managed to get back by about 1:00, the time when rain was supposed to be moving in. Of course, it didn't, but it was getting cloudier. Hubby and I had some shopping to do, for clothes for the cattle drive and a few other odds and ends, so we headed out after putting the horses away, getting back just before the rain finally DID arrive. There's a major front coming through that looks like it will sock us in all day tomorrow, which is fine, because I'm due to receive my new new computer (I sent my old new computer back earlier this week, too unreliable), and that will be a few days to get that up and running and everything moved over. Settled down for a pleasant evening of dinner and movies!

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