Saturday, May 12, 2018 – Road Ride with Flash

Got up early and managed to get the LQ horse trailer and my truck washed before I finally got Hubby out of bed. He suffered a bit from low blood pressure today, with a few dizzy spells, though he woke up feeling a lot better, Obviously, his arm still hurts from the surgery, and he’s taken a couple of oxycodone, but he doesn’t like the way it reacts with him, so he switched over to acetaminophen last night and this morning. Spent some time trying out various aluminum polishes to see what would work on the trailer, and nothing really completely made the streaks of oxidation go away, so I have to keep looking. He didn’t feel well enough to do much, so we started his dialysis just after 1:00, so we were done at a reasonable hour. I hadn’t work with Flash this morning, but I had made some bread that I wanted to take down to my neighbor who gave me eggs, and decided to ride Flash there. It was a bit of a risk to take him on the road after only one short ride in the round pen, but I decided it was worth the risk. After all, I have to make him bombproof for Hubby as soon as possible! I got him saddled up and headed up the driveway. He was a bit antsy, with his head and ears way up, but behaving himself for the most part. After going through the gate and heading down the road, I got about 100 yards when he decided there was something out there that was going to eat him, probably the orange and black sign that indicated a culvert, and refused to go any further. I spent about 20-25 minutes zigzagging him up and down the road in an effort to get him over it, and FINALLY he did. He was actually trembling in fear! It’s obvious to me that this horse has never been ridden outside of an arena or a pasture, he is so unaccustomed to ANYTHING outside of that, poor thing! We rode the rest of our way to my neighbors, about 1 ½ miles away, without incident, other than the occasional excitement when he saw a downed log by the side of the road, which he practically went off the opposite sides of the road to get away from. I tied him up when we got there, and he pranced around pretty much all the time while I chatted with my neighbors, who graciously admired him. Once we got caught up on all the neighborhood gossip, I remounted and headed back home. About halfway back, Flash’s head FINALLY relaxed, and I was able to give him a nice loose rein for most of the rest of the way home. Mission accomplished! Flash learned several lessons today, and I can’t wait to move on to the next lesson or two! Got back at dusk, got everyone settled in for the night, fixed dinner and had a relaxing evening, satisfied with a very good and productive day!

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