Monday, August 9, 2021 – Another Ride at Highlands

Hi Sweetie!
Had a little trouble sleeping last night, read for quite awhile, but finally dozed off and slept through the night. Woke up to my alarm since I had arranged to ride with Dan today and didn’t want to sleep too late. Chores, breakfast and have both horses saddled up by the time he got here, a little later than I expected, but we got out nonetheless. It was hot, muggy and buggy today, and there was rain supposed to be coming in by 2:00 and I wanted to make sure we got back on time. We did the long loop on the west side of the property going in the opposite direction than when I went last week just for variety. Other than the muggy heat and bugs, it was a nice ride. We did get back shortly before it started raining, though it came in earlier than was forecast. Once it started, it really rained hard, a real gully washer. It was the perfect opportunity to check out where my window was leaking from, so I excused myself and took off the window frame. It’s definitely dripping around the window, but I still can’t figure out exactly where it’s coming in. After Dan left, I did some research about it, and discovered that there’s a seal around the inside of the window that could be the problem. Looks like a fairly straightforward job if I can get the kit somewhere. I’ll need a little help getting the window out, but other than that I think I can get it done fairly easily, assuming that’s the problem. I know I’ve sealed the outside of the window pretty thickly, so I don’t think that’s it, so process of elimination, it has to be the inside seal. I’ll do more research tomorrow. It rained very heavily for a bit, some flooding around the trailer and the yard I’m in, but didn’t last too long. I got my proposal off to my prospective client, hopefully that’s something that will come through in the coming weeks, maybe a job by the end of the year, that would be nice! Finally settled down for the evening, now I’m ready for shower and bed, I have to get all the dang bug spray off me, I stink! Love you, darlin’! Good night!

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