Friday, May 14, 2021 – Frustrating Ride on Apollo

Hi Sweetie,
NOTE TO SELF: Don’t ever come back to Wind Creek again! After another great night sleep and breakfast I saddled up Apollo for a short ride today. Since so many of the trails I’ve tried to take here have been impassable, I decided to not plan anything, just to go wherever I felt like. I know the place well enough now that I figured I couldn’t get lost. Unfortunately, even on the trails that you would think would be the most traveled, there were still dozens of trees down that had to be circumvented, some on hills that made getting around them very problematic. Many trails here are so narrow that you’re constantly having to push yourself away from trees (if you’re quick enough) to keep from knocking your knees. Unfortunately, I wasn’t quick enough and banged up my newly repaired knee pretty good, both yesterday and today. You would think that a state park would have the resources to keep their trails clear, but these are as bad as the most neglected national forest I’ve ever been in. The only alternative are washed out gravel roads, which they also neglect, they could use some grading. Apollo was sluggish and not happy about the stones on the trails or the roads, I probably should have put boots on him, but they didn’t seem that bad to me, but he was really fighting the trail most of the way, making the whole experience unpleasant. We only went about 5.5 miles, but that was more than enough for us! Even Lola seemed bored, kept trying to wander off. Anyway, tomorrow I’ll take one more ride on Flash to the trails across the road, my notes from last time I was here indicate those are a little wider and hopefully a lot more pleasant. We’ll see. Grilled myself a nice piece of chicken, had rice and fruit salad, then settled down for the evening. Good news! I finally managed to persuade Equity into giving me a contract, so I should be back up and running on my health insurance and pension forthwith! Yay! Time for shower and bed, so good night, babe! Love you!

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