Friday, March 11, 2022 – More Trail Marking With Laura and Mike

Hi Babe.
Had a little trouble getting to sleep last night, but woke up early before my alarm was set to go off, then it didn’t for some reason, so I was glad I woke up! There’s something strange going on with the cell phone network around here, everybody’s phone seems to not be working properly, including mine. This morning my weather program was telling me the date was July 28 for some weird reason! Nevertheless, I got up early and started the day by going around checking in some of the equestrian campers. I’ve made a list of everyone that’s supposed to be coming in and I’m making sure to match up horses and owners and stalls and paddocks, and making sure everyone makes an extra effort to clean up all the manure, even in all the paddocks that started out dirty, and it seems everyone is cooperating. People seem grateful that things are getting more organized here, thank goodness. After that, then breakfast, Laura and Mike and I rode the Poker Run trail again, and I got more markers from Petra so I got it fixed up more the way I like it now. Flash behaved himself pretty well, though he was determined not to let Laura’s horse get too far in front, which required the occasional flat out gallop, which was fun! Got back by 11:30, and Laura started to pack up to leave today, while Mike decided to extend his permit until Tuesday. Mostly relaxed in the afternoon, other than walking around a few times to update my camper records. Got caught in a downpour, ended up slipping on the mud when I jumped a puddle and fell onto my right knee, which thankfully recovered pretty will after awhile. Guess last year’s surgery really did the trick! Finally settled down for the evening to some soup and a Reese Witherspoon movie, now it’s time for shower and bed. Early morning tomorrow again, though not too early, and a forecast of rain in the afternoon with much needed cooler temps as well. So I’m off! Good night, sweetie! Love you!

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