Friday, August 13, 2021 – Another Ride and Hay Day

Hi Sweetie!
Woke up to a nice morning, temps aren’t quite as hot as they’ve been, and it looks like it’s going to stay that way for awhile, thank goodness! After chores and breakfast, I was just starting to get Apollo ready, because Dan was supposed to be coming over for a ride. I was actually going to let him ride Flash today for a change, but at the last minute he texted to say he couldn’t make it because of a serious family problem. I put Apollo back and saddled Flash, and we had a nice 7.69 mile ride. The bugs were still bad, but the heat and humidity weren’t as bad as it’s been, so it was quite nice, and Lola enjoyed herself, too. I was careful not to let Flash drink from any streams on the trail, just in case that’s what set off his colic the other day. Got back to camp, made a few phones, learned that my order for feed had come in at the Tractor Supply (they neglected to call or email me, sorry to say), so I went to pick that up. I forgot the propane tanks, though, that had been on my list, so I’ll have to do that another day. I also went to Meijers and stocked up on Joint Juice, should have enough for the rest of the year now. Came back to camp and unloaded, then left a while later to go pick up hay at a farm about 16 miles from here. It’s supposed to be about 40 percent alfalfa, which is more than I wanted, but I haven’t been able to find any anywhere else, I just keep missing the timing, everybody is getting sold out in a hurry. It’s been a weird year for hay, some areas having a drought, others too much rain. I got eight bales, though, so it should last me for most of my stay at the next place, hopefully I’ll be able to pick up a good load sometime in the next couple of weeks. Got back to camp, grilled a burger, and settled down for the evening. I’ve been having to cover myself with insect repellent the last few days, I feel like the trailer stinks of it, but it’s probably just stuck in my nose for now. Hope it’s not as bad at the next place, though I’m prepared for it now. Heading off for a shower and bed shortly. Good night, babe! Love you!

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