Archives for February 2022

Friday, February 4, 2022 – Shopping Day

Hey Sweetie,
Not much going on today for me. Anita and Scott went out trail-marking on their four-wheeler, so I didn’t have much to do today, except run into Okeechobee for hay, feed, propane and a few groceries. That killed most of the day, along with a few OTL registrations and a bit of computer work. Seems like the calm before the upcoming storm next week! I’ll take it! I was planning on marking JD next Monday, but Anita said she got permission to do it on the four-wheeler, so they’re going out Sunday, which means I have more time to get registration organized, which is a good thing. I have several ideas about getting more information that we need for things to run smoothly and I need to work through them. Anyway, settled down for the evening as usual, now I’m ready for my shower and bed before long. Love you, babe! Good night!

Thursday, February 3, 2022 – Labs and Riverbend Trail Marking

Hi Babe!
Had a good day today! Well, any day on my horse is a good day, but some rides are just better than others. I started out doing chores, skipping breakfast because I had to have labs done today for my annual wellness checkup yesterday. I had already hooked up the trailer and put all my tack into it, so once I finished getting ready, we loaded up and headed out. I had one stop at the Indiantown Post Office to pick up a General Delivery package that had two new slobber straps I had ordered, then we headed into town to go to the lab in Jupiter, then headed over to Riverbend, where I saddled up and we started marking the trails. We went from the equestrian area to the critter crossing in Cypress Creek, then marked all the way to Loxahatchee slough, though another team had marked that somewhat, then after getting back to the equestrian area, I then marked the shortcut route to the intersection at Jupiter Farms Rd. and Indiantown Rd., which completed my assignment for the day! Saw lots of birds, a young deer that didn’t run from us and we were able to get within 10 feet of it, and a big turtle in the equestrian area. It was about 4:00 when I got back, and I settled down to do a little OTL work in the screen room for awhile. A whole flock of birds gathered right in front of me, had a brief flashback to Alfred Hitchcock’s “Birds,” such a great, scary movie! Before I knew it, it was feeding time for the horses, and finally got to settle down at dusk, which thankfully is getting to be later and later as the days lengthen. Had a couple more sign-ups today, numbers are looking pretty good! I also had a Facebook memory pop up that got me thinking a little, it was five years ago today when we left on our journey to southeast Asia! Can’t believe it’s been that long, but it was a great time, so I was enjoying the memories. Anyway, I’ve watched my couple of hours of TV, did more computer work, and now am ready for my French lesson, shower and bed! Good night, my darlin’! Love you!

Wednesday, February 2, 2022 – Doctor’s Appointment, Tank Cleaning

Hey Darlin’,
Got up with the alarm this morning, had a 9:00 doctor’s appointment, just my annual physical, was back in camp before 11:00. Did some OTL work, then spent some time pressure washing the water tank in the truck, since we’ll b using that to fill water troughs next week and it’s been awhile since it had a good cleaning. Between putting out OTL fires and working on that, it was suppertime by the time I was finished. Got the horses fed and settled down for the evening. Oh, I forgot to mention yesterday that my bad neighbor inexplicably moved to another spot! Haven’t learned exactly why yet, though James camp through camp late yesterday afternoon and it’s possible he said something to them. I was glad to be vindicated, even though I never spoke to James about it, that just came out of the blue. Great minds, though! Chatted a bit with my other Canadian neighbors, I haven’t had much time to be sociable with all the late night work hours I’ve been keeping lately, and they’re leaving tomorrow for a bit. Guess they’re coming back in March, don’t know if I’ll be back here then or not, but it’s possible. Anyway, managed to watch a little TV, then put together the OTL weekly report for Anita, did my French lesson, now I’m done and heading for the showers and bed! Good night, sweetie! Love you!

Tuesday, February 1, 2022 – Recon Ride on Upper Dupuis

Hi Sweetie,
Another exhausting day! After breakfast and chores, I saddled up Apollo, since he’s in desperate need of exercise and today’s ride is only about ten miles. I took my pink paint along, and it was going fine until the first stop, then I managed to get pink paint all over my saddle bags. Oh, well, it gives it some character! We followed the pink trail from camp down to the Cypress Boardwalk, adding some ribbons where the paint wasn’t real clear, then on the way back, finally stopping to add a little paint in a couple of places as well. Before we can be satisfied that it’s permanently marked, we’re going to have to add a few more, there wasn’t quite enough to satisfy me that it was sufficient to follow. Some areas seemed to be mowed, others not so much, so I arranged with James to have the contractor come out and mow some areas that evidently didn’t get mowed last week. I managed to get Apollo to jog a lot of the way (automatic paint mixer!), rather just his slug walk, so we managed to be slightly quicker, but it still took us nearly four hours for just over ten miles! Well, of course, I stopped to paint a few times, but it didn’t take THAT long! Anyway, it was still a nice ride, though he was a big jumpy from the wind and the smell of pigs, as there was a lot of pig sign out there. Got back and had to deal with a bunch of OTL issues, finally had a minute to try to get the paint off my saddle bags but it was too dry. Mineral spirits didn’t even help! Finally able to settle down for the evening, but didn’t even get a chance to relax, as more OTL issues arose. Anyway, I’m done for the night, heading to shower and bed here shortly. Love you, babe! Good night!