Sunday, March 20, 2022 – Long Ride on Flash, Mapped Another 18.6 Miles

Hey Sweetie!
Another hot night, and even though I ran the AC for nearly an hour, it was still hot by the time I went to bed! Never mind, once I get to sleep it doesn’t matter. After chores and breakfast, I saddled Flash and was out before 10:00, while the weather was a bit cooler. Not as hot today, thank goodness, but in the sun it was till plenty hot! Poor Lola, I wasn’t sure she was going to make it since there is so little water on the trail, but we finally managed to find a few water holes on the way, and she was fine. She even want to play frisbee at dinner time, which surprised me, I thought she would be too bushed, but she seems to have recovered okay. It was a long ride, but we took a few breaks and I had some water on board which I shared with Lola, so it was fine. Covered a lot of trails today, too, so I’m making some headway at last. It was lovely today, and we all thoroughly enjoyed ourselves! Got back to camp, did a little computer work, and it wasn’t long before it was suppertime and evening TV time, and now it’s shower time and bed time! Good night, babe! Love you!

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