Hi Sweetie!
Had a good night sleep, then immediately started in on laundry, it was a gorgeous day to hang stuff outside, and start work on my computer. I had all the followup work from the Workshop to do, you know, Thank You notes, Certificates etc. I’m very glad I uploaded the videos last week, though, because the cell phone signal is very iffy here, I have to put the phone up in the bedroom on the west side in order to get a decent enough signal to do anything, even Netflix, but it’s tricky. I also had a couple of months worth of bookkeeping to do, though I hadn’t realized I was that far behind. Anyway, it took be pretty much all day to do that, so riding was not in the cards today, which is fine, it’s good to let the horses rest. I put Apollo out on his anchor and Flash was loose for awhile, at least while my neighbor was out riding, but when he got back I hooked Flash back up to the highline. In the afternoon, his horse, named Lucy, broke her line and came trotting back towards me, then seemed to head towards the woods until she hit the treeline, at which point she stopped to graze. I managed to get close enough to put a lead rope on her when her owner showed up and took her home. I was in the middle of grilling one of my last Zweigler’s white hots on the grill, so I had to turn that off to rescue her, or it would have burnt to a crisp. Wouldn’t want to do that with such a valuable commodity! (you have to be from western NY to understand that!) Anyway, finally settled down for a quiet evening, glad to be on Central time, where it gets dark around 7:00, much more to my liking, though that will change when the clocks change in a few weeks. Had a great, long shower, going to be on fresh sheets, looking forward to it! Good night, babe! Love you!
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