Wednesday, September 1, 2021 – Second Ride Day at Waterloo and Solved Brake Problem!

Hi Sweetie!
Woke up to a beautiful morning! Cool and sunny, just gorgeous! Before even getting out of bed I called the RV guy that had promised to call by the end of the day yesterday (and didn’t), and he said he didn’t have anyone that could come out, so I made a couple more calls, and couldn’t find anyone. As the DNR guys drove through I asked them, they suggested I message the local horsemen’s club, which I did, and got a very quick answer from Chad, the president, who said he’d be by later today to help. Meanwhile, I got a call back from one RV guy, Smitty, who didn’t have time to come see me but answered some diagnostic questions I had so I could narrow down my search, and voila! That made all the difference! I should have known it would have been something simple, and once he explained the system, I found the problem, just a simple loose wire in my trunk of wires that lead from the trailer to the truck. I had rewired them before, and actually, that was the next place I was going to check, and as soon as I took off the outer tape from my repair, I found the loose wire that had come out of the shrink wrap crimp connector. It’s a job that really needs three hands, and I think that’s what went wrong before, but Butch came over and lent me a hand, so it was done properly this time. Everything started working as soon as I got it reconnected, yay! Well, I assume everything will work again, the noise from the brake is more like a chirp than a buzz now, but I’m hoping that has to do with not being attached to the truck, but we’ll see. At least I know the controller is working now, so I’m expecting the brakes to work as well. I messaged Chad to let him know I had fixed the problem, and now, with no worries, I saddled up Apollo and took a six plus mile ride. I chose a few trails I hadn’t taken yet, and they were mostly lovely. We left camp without his boots on, but after awhile it seemed like a lot of the trails were rockier, so I put his boots on (I had brought them with me), and he seemed much more comfortable after that. It was a great ride, though we started and finished later in the day than usual, but that was fine. Got back around 4:00, but by the time I got everyone settled in it was closer to 5:00, so I grilled a steak and had a nice dinner. Settled in for the evening, after a lovely ride and a productive day (SO glad my brakes are back on track!), so now I’m ready for my shower and bed. Good night, babe! Love you!

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