Wednesday, Sept. 2, 2020 – First Ride at Hueston Woods

Hi Sweetie,
I had a fantastic night sleep! In bed by 9:30, asleep shortly after, slept straight through till 7:30, stayed in bed to read until 9:00, felt so rested, yay! I really needed it. Well, after breakfast and some work on the computer, I saddled up Flash and we headed out on the trails. I’m glad I GPSed a trail to follow, because while the trails are actually marked with letters (A, B, C, D), none of those letters are on the map! In fact, there’s no guidance on the map whatsoever as to what trail you’re on, so I just kept following my GPS map as best I could. Unfortunately, the first trail I came to that I wanted to go down was closed off, so all my plans changed anyway. It’s not that big of a park, so there’s no getting lost here, I just kept going until I found trails that were open and went in the same general direction. It quickly became clear why they’re improving the trails with gravel, though, some of the trails are complete mud bogs! The sections that they repaired recently are really well done, Flash had no problem with them at all, though he did have his boots on. I was actually surprised how long they stayed on considering how much deep mud we went through, until he finally lost one climbing a hill in a bog, which I retrieved, then took the other one off. The rest of the trail was mostly dirt and mud, we only ran into the tiniest bit of small gravel after than, and it didn’t seem to bother Flash at all. It was exactly 8 miles, just the right amount for a first day of exploration. We essentially did the entire perimeter of the park, except one section I somehow got off track on, and the only thing really left here are a few internal trails that go between the perimeter trails. Like I said, it’s a small park. It has a nice lake, though, so weather permitting, I’ll inflate my kayak and have a day or two on the lake while I’m here. Meanwhile, we got covered with mud, so I had to do some horse and equipment cleaning when I got back, then settled down for the evening. I’m going to try to get to bed early again tonight, just so I don’t get run down again. There’s rain in the forecast tomorrow, so I might just go get my weekly shopping done while I have the chance. Anyway, I’m headed off for a shower and to bed, and to keep reading an interesting Dean Koontz novel about a very smart dog. Good night, darlin’! Love you!

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