Wednesday, May 6, 2020 – Slow Day

Hey Sweetie!
The best laid plans…! I did my chores this morning, including moving the highline to a different set of posts because the ones the horses were on were at kind of a low spot that had turned pretty muddy, so I put them on slightly higher ground. I had every intention of going riding today, but the temperatures, unbelievably, hardly reached 60 today, and that was late in the afternoon. I decided it was too cold to go riding, in fact, I’ve made a new rule. If it’s too cold to sit in the screen porch, it’s too cold to go riding! Instead, I did some bookkeeping on my computer. My previous bookkeeping program expired, and they changed their method from being on my computer as a permanent program to being a subscription in the cloud. I waited around for their offer of a discount to get better, and finally they got down to 25 percent off, so I went ahead and ordered in. That meant some housekeeping to get it all working again properly, so I spend part of the afternnon doing that. I also did some reading for a while, and generally had a pretty lazy day. What a luxury! It won’t last, I know, but at least I can take advantage of it while it’s here. I noticed a leak coming out under the basement, so I took a quick peak at that, but the only way to see it is going to be to take the basement panels off. The good news is, contrary to thinking it was all one piece, it’s actually in about 3-4 foot sections, so I should be able to get into without too much trouble. The bad news is, all the screws are those crazy 8 point stars, which I’ve read can be turned with a 4 point square, but the last time I tried that I had dubious results. Considering that many of them are rusted, it’s not likely to be an easy task. I may just have to replace all the screws with something sensible. Nobody, and I mean NOBODY knows about these weird screws except the people in the RV building business! But that’s a chore for another day. Tomorrow is supposed to be warmer, and I really have to get the horses out, they’ve been standing there for days with no relief, and the ground has been too soft to even let them roam in the fenced in area, they would just tear it up in no time, and I don’t need to make any enemies while I’m here. Lola and I took a short walk around the campground, and there’s a few posts with reservation cards on them, so it looks like I’ll have a little company this weekend, which wouldn’t be a bad thing. Not sure I want to go riding with anyone, though, because it seems like every time I do I end up not particularly enjoying myself for any variety of reasons. I guess I’ve been on my own riding for so long I’m kind of stuck in my ways. Anyway, it was a pretty lazy day, and now it’s time to put it to bed. Off I go! Good night, baby! Love you!

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