Wednesday, May 4, 2022 – A Few Repairs

Hey Darlin’,
A good night sleep, though I went to bed later than I expected, but woke up early and read for awhile. Got my chores and breakfast done, then went about doing some repairs on the trailer, trying to seal up whatever leaks I might have. I put some duct tape over the top “drain” holes in the window in a way that will shunt the water away, and it that works to keep the rain out, I’ll do some king of permanent seal over them. I was looking at one of the camper’s trailers here, and it looked like she actually had some kind of plug over it, shaped like the plug over the brake adjustment hole on the trailer, so maybe that’s what I’m supposed to have. Never noticed them before. Then I went up on the roof and put a liberal layer of lap sealant around where I think the rain might be coming in from the roof, and a few other areas while I was at it, hope that does the trick! I tried to seal the drain under the shower with that poofy insulating foam, but I couldn’t get the trigger to work, even though I cleaned it out pretty good. Just not enough pressure left in it. That’s the trouble with those things, if you only have one little job, you end up wasting the whole rest of the can because you can’t get it out. Pity they don’t have smaller cans! So I didn’t get that done, figure I’ll run into town tomorrow and pick up a few things, including more of that foam. I’m getting a little low on some essentials, so it will be worth the trip, though I was hoping my feed would be in. I’ll call Tractor Supply in the morning to see when they’re truck comes in. While I was working on the window, I managed to stab myself pretty good with my sharp scissors, so now my palm is all swollen up, and it’s expanding down my wrist a bit. I cleaned it out good, and it looks like it will seal up nicely, just a little worried about the swelling. Reminds me of that time that dog nipped your finger, and we didn’t clean it out right away, and it ended up putting you in the hospital! So much for the idea that a dog’s saliva is antiseptic! We learned that lesson the hard way, didn’t we! So I’m keeping a close eye on it. Settled down and waited for the rain in the afternoon, and even though there was some thunder and clouds, it managed to slip around us, so I wasn’t able to test my repairs, darn it! I did put the horses out on the grass over the septic tank for awhile, though, it’s the only long grass left in here, so I figured I would let them chomp down on it. It helped, but I need to put them back on it again tomorrow, or else see if I can crank up the little hand mower that’s in the shed. Steve said it worked, and it’s starting to look a little overgrown around my trailer, so I’m going to have to do something! Relaxed the rest of the day, watched an action movie this evening, now it’s time for you know what! Good night, sweetie! Love you!

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