Wednesday, May 3, 2023 – First Ride at Lost Corral, Gee Wilderness

Hey Babe!
What a beautiful ride we had today! This is the kind of ride I’m talking about! Granted the day started out quite chilly (38 degrees out when I woke up at 6:00 this morning!), but I stayed in bed for while longer to let it warm up, then put on plenty of layers. After chores and breakfast and some time on the computer applying for Medicare and my union pension, I saddle up Flash with all the extra accouterment of tack that we haven’t needed in awhile, like boots and his breast collar, so we can tackle the rocks and mountains that are on the trails here. Lola was restless this morning, and raring to go! We left about 11:30 and sure enough, a long climb was the start of the ride. I had been warned it would be rocky, and it certainly was! We start out on the lower side of the loop, Trail #105, which was mostly a forest road, but eventually it did narrow down to single-track, though an OHV would be able to make it, if allowed. Once we reached the farther north end and picked up Chestnut Mountain Trail #104, it was definitely single track, and a lot steeper, so we climbed to the top much more quickly than going the other way, which was a long gradual climb. These are the kinds of trails I love, where there’s a steep cliff of beautiful rock on one side and a steep slope down into the holler on the other. The wilderness west side was much narrower and closer to the edge, so quite invigoration! Despite the hills, rocks and boots, Flash still insisted on doing his level best to go as fast as possible, even slipping once to his knees, though he was right back up and no worse for the wear. He leapt over logs, one time catching me so off-guard I got a bit unbalanced, but made it through okay. One of his boots kept coming off, unfortunately, though not too surprising, they’re certainly stiff after have not been used for awhile, but they softened as the day went on, which is why one kept coming off. I always heard it, so we never got far before I stopped, but the last time it happened, just about a mile before we reached camp, I heard it come off, then I heard the crackling of dried leaves and realized the darn thing had started rolling down the hill! I watched it go, hoping it would stop, and thank goodness, it finally banked against a tree about 50 steep feet away. I had to tie up Flash and go fetch it, and it was quite the challenge to get back up again! I managed it though, but Lola was worried for a minute, she tried to follow me down and almost got stuck herself. Got back to camp shortly after that, and came across a guy backing up a horse trailer into a site a couple of doors down from me, about as slow as I was since the sites are a little tricky for a long trailer. Unfortunately, as soon as he was set up he started blaring his radio. Not that I minded his selection of music, just that I really like peace and quiet in a camp, but I can’t hear a thing with the windows closed anyway, and considering the temps are dropping fast, it won’t bother me. Had some soup for dinner, watched a little TV, now I’m ready for shower and bed. Good night, my darlin’! Love you!

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