Wednesday, May 29, 2024 – Travel Day to Nathalie’s

Hey Babe,
Wasn't in much of a hurry to get up today, since I only had to travel about an hour and a half, and I wasn't expected until 2:00, so I had a leisurely morning packing up. I opted to back up out of my site so I wouldn't risk going in the ditch again, and it worked out perfectly. Had an uneventful journey, thank goodness, except that I missed the driveway and had to go around "the block" to get back in. Once here, we got me backed into a nice little space under a couple of huge shade trees, so it was much cooler. Got everything set up before long, with the horses in a nearby paddock, though we moved them later to a really big pasture, so I don't think they'll need any supplements of feed while they're here. I'm going to throw out a bale of hay just in case they feel like they're getting too much fresh grass, but it's not spring-lush, so I think they'll be okay. Lola had a great time exploring this huge place, they have 200 acres here, with every imaginable horse equipment, not to mention two tennis courts. They even have wifi at the barn, close enough for me to use! Started on some laundry, but I'm only on 20 amp, so I've had to cut down on my power usage, can only work one or two things at a time! Not enough for AC, but I have enough fans going that I think it will be fine, especially being in the shade. Now all I have to do is finish the laundry, do the packing and the final shopping for whatever I still need, and head on out! Can't wait! I'm getting really excited about the trip! My only question now is, what'll I do next year? Going to have to think up something really good! Meanwhile, I'm just going to stay on top of things here. Off to bed shortly! Love you, darlin'! Good night!

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