Wednesday, March 9, 2022 – Work Day

Hey Darlin’!
Busy day today, and got a lot done, too! After breakfast, I started out working on the gooseneck hitch. I had picked up my mail at the post office yesterday, one of which was a package with the new rubber ring that goes around the gooseneck for the extra cushion-y ride. After reading the instructions on replacing it, it was clear that I had over-tightened the old one which contributed to its failure, but the rubber was pretty old anyway, so it won’t hurt to replace it. It took some finagling to get it done, and it was too heavy to do on my own, so eventually I asked Ted for help, then Steve came by, so with so many hands the job got done in short order. I had originally tried to separate the pieces manually, but it was too stuck, so I moved all the hay bales out of the way and hitched the truck up, and when I raised the trailer, it soon came apart like it was supposed to. The rest was pretty easy after that. Then I got a call from Jeff saying he was on the way, so I walked down to the gate to open it for him, and passed Mike from Indiana, whom I had met on the Cracker Trail, and was parked next to the Barn 2, though I didn’t have time to talk with him just then. I let Jeff in and we got busy pretty quick, and even Laura came by to give us a hand to get the bulging panel pretty much back into place. Not perfect, but a whole lot better than it was! That took awhile, but we got it done! Then he helped me put a rubber piece on where my extension ladder goes, one of the bottom ones got ripped off when I scraped along a gate during the Cracker Ride. And somewhere else during the day I took my sledge and knocked my pull-out stairs back into place, apparently they got scraped on something somewhere and when you opened it, the place where the step rest got out of place so it was floppy, so I beat that back and now it works fine. So we all got a lot done! We sat around and had a beer, and Mike walked down, too, so it was quite the gathering. Glad we got so much done, very grateful for brother Jeff’s help, feeling like I can relax a bit now! There’s always something, but the biggest jobs aren’t hanging over me any more, so I’m glad about that. Finally it was feeding time, and everyone went their separate ways, and I settled down for the evening. Off to shower and bed! Good night, babe! Love you!

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