Wednesday, June 1, 2022 – More Trail Painting and A Run Into Town

Hi Darlin’,
Had another good night sleep, and was up bright and early. Was out on the trail a little later, around 9:30, and got the entire white trail done. Or should I say “re-done” since I had done this with spray paint on Flash, but that turned out not to work very well. The off-white color was too much like the color of the tree, and it was absorbed and faded so it was practically invisible already, even though I just did it a couple of weeks ago. Got it done with canned paint now, a much better job. But really, painting on pine trees that have a bark so thin that it comes off with the roller doesn’t seem like the best solution to me! They should really just do metal diamonds or something, make it permanent, but I doubt that’s in the budget. Anyway, I’ll keep going, if I do one color trail a day I’ll be done in another three days. Once I got back and cleaned up both the tractor and myself, I ran into town to get a couple more paint rollers (as usual, I don’t have the patience to wait for James to bring me some, though I expect he will later in the week, but I don’t want to miss a day) and I went to the IGA to return a carton of ice cream I bought last week. When I opened it, it was all crystallized, and it tasted really grainy, so I checked the expiration day, which was November of last year!! They let me exchange it for another one, plus I got some Gatorade, I’ve been drinking a lot of that to beat the heat lately, though it wasn’t too bad today. I’m either acclimating, or things haven’t gotten too bad yet. There’s a small tropical storm headed this way, suppose to get here on Saturday, but we’ll see. Once I got back I fed the horses and did my rounds then settled down for the evening. Will be in bed soon! Good night, babe! Love you!

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