Wednesday, July 7, 2021 – Rainy Runaround Day

Hi Sweetie!
Well, we had a bit of a change in weather, like crazy! Last night I had both paddle fans and both floor fans on trying to get it cool enough to sleep, then the rain moved in, and by this afternoon, I was running the furnace to warm it up in here! Whew! It rained off and on all night, and was happy to find the there was only a small bit of water around the bedroom window, so I may have solved most of that problem. I tightened the screws again, so maybe I’ve fixed it now. It was a cold and rainy day, so I made it a productive one. After chores and breakfast I headed off to East Tawas, first to the Tractor Supply to get three of the propane tanks filled (with all the rain, I’m not getting much solar energy so I’m using more propane, of course!), then to Walmart, where I sat in the parking lot for a bit doing some computer work, since I have no signal at camp. Then I did my shopping, then headed back to camp to print out a letter and label for a book order I got. Though the nearest post office is a long way away, I managed to talk to the folks at the Lumbermen’s Monument just up the road, and they agreed to let me put it in their mail, so once the package was prepared, that’s what I did. Then I drove out to South Branch where we had camped in 2013, because I couldn’t remember it, and thought maybe it was a better facility and cell phone signal than where I am right now. Turns out it’s not. In fact, I couldn’t even find where we got water from when we were there, though when I got back I looked it up, but I swear, I couldn’t find the spigot we used last time. Plus it’s another $15/night (half price for Golden Access), whereas where I am now is free, so I see no reason to move over there. There’s a decent signal at the Monument, so at least I don’t have to drive too many miles now. They don’t really have any horse facilities over there either, we evidently just highlined the horses on trees last time, at least they have some posts here. A lot of running around, but got my shopping and propane, which was the most important thing. It had rained on and off all afternoon, and the forecast is for more of the same tomorrow, cold and wet, so I’m thinking I’ll call a couple of body shops to see if they can do an estimate for me, I have to make arrangements to get this done, but everything is so far behind, I don’t know how long it will take, that’s one of the things I need to find out. Finally settled down for the evening, got the grill out to do a hamburger, then watched a couple of movies while the generator was running and charging the batteries. I’m going to have to run the furnace for a bit before going to bed, it’s supposed to be getting down to 54 degrees tonight! I even put the blankets on the all the horses, they were shivering a bit this morning, I figured after all the hot weather they would need the extra protection. Headed off to my shower and bed, just another day on the road! Good night, darlin’! Love you!

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