Wednesday, July 20, 2022 – Rest, Recovery and Massage

Hey Babe,
Despite falling asleep so late, I woke up at 7:30 local time, which I guess is a good start to overcoming the jet lag, but I was still tired so I lay in for awhile. Finally got up, puttered around a bit, then went to breakfast at a place called the Black Bear diner and have a fabulous breakfast, though it was closer to lunchtime. Headed north to my massage appointment, and along the way, I passed a convoy of semi horse trailers that were carrying the Budweiser Clydesdales! Not sure where they were headed, but there were three or four trailers in a row. Traveling in style! Unfortunately, I got so wrapped up in getting a picture I missed my exit, but I still managed to make it to my appointment on time. Ninety minutes later, I was feeling much more relaxed. Got back to the hotel after a quick stop a Walgreens, then went out to the pool for a bit to take a hot tub to further ease my muscles. I didn’t stay long, though, the pool was full of kids, then a guy started leaf blowing not far away, so it was all too noisy for me. Headed up to the room for a quiet evening, did a little prep for the workshop tomorrow, then just relaxed. Heading to bed early for sure! Good night, sweetie! Love you!

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