Wednesday, January 19, 2022 – Field Trip with James of Dupuis

Hi Darlin’,
Got up early this morning, got my chores done, did some work on OTL stuff, then James, the new recreation manager for Dupuis arrived, and we left in his car for a ride around pretty much the entire property, adding combination locks to gates so we can easily open them when the ride starts. He hadn’t been in some of these areas, so it was a good opportunity for him to see it, and we had a good time chatting. He’s from Wisconsin originally so he’s got that same kind of sardonic humor, and we had some fun with it. Didn’t get back to camp until almost 3:00, but got a lot accomplished. The weather has been warming up and the flies have started to come out, so I put up the screen room today, haven’t had the chance to use that for awhile, but since I’m going to be here for a month, I wanted the comfort of being able to sit outside without being bothered by the bugs. I actually talked to James about possibly being a camp host here, and he might be willing, but he’s looking for someone for a full six months, I’m not sure I’m ready to commit to that much time yet. Still have a few places in Florida I’d like to visit, but I can probably knock most of those out this spring, so who knows? Not a bad place to be, though it will still be too hot for my taste in October, but maybe November. We’ll see. Updated the OTL Facebook group with new levels of participation, then finally settled down for the evening. Ready for shower and bed! Love you, sweetie! Good night!

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