Wednesday, February 1, 2023 – Moved Tractor to Brother Jeff’s

Hey Sweetie,
Slept well, got my chores done, had a short, sad meeting with my ex-boss James, then went over to Tractor Supply to pick up a trailer so I could move my tractor to Jeff’s. Had to run up to brother Glenn’s to pick up my tow straps, though, I had left them in the trunk of the Buick and forgot to get them yesterday, so that was my first stop. Had a bit of a problem, the trailer was too small to haul the tractor with the awl on the back, so I had to remove it, and I struggled with that for quite awhile before I was finally able to get it off and loaded onto the trailer with the tractor. Worked up quite the sweat doing that! Took a long, slow ride to Jeff’s, and fortunately, his tenant James was there to help me offload everything (so many James’ in my life!). I finally mentioned on my Facebook group that I was being asked to leave Dupuis and once again, the outpouring of support was tremendous. Hoping it all reaches the powers-that-be, seems like there’s a lot of pressure building on the guy who terminated me, won’t meet with me, and has apparently “distanced himself” from his decision, which I find interesting. Monitoring it closely, though. Even got a public apology from the alleged offender, though from what she told me, she wasn’t to blame, but took responsibility for some reason. Long story. Anyway, we’ll see what happens over the next day or two. Lots of people doing lots of things to try to get me reinstated, it might just happen yet! You never know. Watched more Bloodline, ready for shower and bed. Good night, babe! Love you!

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