Wednesday, Dec. 25, 2019 – Merry Christmas! First Ride Around Neighborhood

Glad to say Hubby's been having some better luck at sleeping, but he continues to have shoulder pain, which then shuts down his lungs for some reason, and despite taking acetaminophen with a sleep aid, he's still not able to sleep in bed through the night, so after a couple of hours, he has to get up and get back in his chair so he can breath. He's really been set back by his trip to that awful hospital, we're months if not years behind in his recovery now, darn it. Well, we're all happy we're celebrating another Christmas together, though we don't generally make a big deal out of it. Brother Jeff and I decided to go for a short ride, but the horse he rides, which belongs to a boarder but she encourages him to ride Frost, was being too ornery, so we ended up with him on Flash and me on Apollo, which was just fine. Apollo has a wonderful little sitting jog that's just the right speed to keep up with Flash's regular walk, so we had a nice little ride around the neighborhood, stopping over at a friend of his who usually has a long 50 amp cord he let's Jeff borrow, which would be a tremendous help to us because we're parked in a place where we can only reach either 15 amp in the barn or 20 amp in the garage, neither of which lets us run much electricals, so I've been having to manage what we use very carefully. Anyway, his friend wasn't home and we couldn't find the cord, so that will have to wait for another day. We ended up going nearly 4.5 miles, which is more that Jeff is usually good for, and we got back later than we had planned, but then again, we left much later because of having to switch horses at the last minute. No biggie, it's a holiday, no schedule except for dinner, which was a standing rib roast cooked in an air fryer his girlfriend had given him a few years ago and that he's just started using. We managed to get Hubby out by the pool for a while (it was a cloudy day, but didn't rain for a change today), and it was nice to be out of the trailer for a bit. Unfortunately, where we're situated, but can't put up the screen room, and it's rained so much and it's so wet under the awning, putting chair's up doesn't make sense. Not to mention the stack of cement blocks that take up half of our "porch" area. Anyway, we had a very nice quiet dinner with only one of Jeff's neighbor's joining us, which was fine with us. Got back to the trailer and watched It's A Wonderful Life, for once without commercials, on Amazon Prime, before heading to bed. Another Christmas under our belt!

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