Wednesday, Aug. 14, 2019 – Boot Found, FINALLY!

Weather was much better this morning, it cleared out overnight, so after breakfast I saddled up Flash and headed back up the trail to see if I could find the missing boot. I knew exactly where the first place was we realized it was gone, and I had a pretty good idea where the last place I checked for it was when it was on, so I rode Flash all the way down and all the way and didn’t see it. Then I half convinced myself it must be in that last puddle, so I spent about half an hour reaching into every hole, re-engineering the puddle to drain off, and generally searching the entire area of the puddle with no luck. Then I thought it must have come off when we started trotting up the hill to the puddle, so I took a long stick and beat back all the long grass and ferns on both sides of the trail and still, no luck. Then I walked back up the trail, beating the bushes on the right side, where Apollo had mostly been, nothing. Finally, after almost two hours, while I was beating the bushed on the other side, there it was. It wasn’t even really hidden, it was just not where I expected to find it, naturally. Glad to have found it, can’t believe it took so long! Got back to camp in not time (it was only about a half mile out from camp), got Flash settled in, then got Hubby going on his dialysis session, and relaxed for the rest of the day. Whew!

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