Wednesday, April 6, 2022 – Started On Taxes, Too Tired

Hi Sweetie,
Could not get to sleep last night, too hot and muggy, I guess, took hours, but still woke up before 7:30, so not enough to feel that rested. Tried to start on my taxes, spent a couple of hours straightening out all my books from last year, but didn’t have the energy to keep going. Did some other computer work, had Steve show me the ropes on how to turn all the various water sources off and where to put in chlorine and salt, and discovered it seemed to be much lower than it should be considering how few people are camping, so we did a little investigation and found that three out of the four showers in the newer shower house were leaking through their showerheads, you just couldn’t turn them off enough to stop a steady dribble, and one of the toilets in the old bathroom was constantly running, so that explains the thousand gallons of water that’s gone through there is a few days, and why the supplies were low. We decided to shut off the water and lock up the shower house for now, and Steve fixed the toilet with a new valve, but then broke the handle, so it’s usable with ingenuity. I settled down for the evening, started bingeing another old series on Netflix, Friday Night Lights, I remember hearing it was pretty good, so I watched a few episodes. I’ve got every fan in the house running trying to cool it down, but the outside temps aren’t coming down very much so naturally the inside temps are just as bad. Supposed to be a cool front coming in tomorrow, can’t wait! So I’m hoping that by the time I shower and get into bed that I’ll sleep better tonight, but I’m not counting on it. I’ve confirmed with James that once Steve moves on Monday that I can take over his spot, which will give me 50 amp electric so I can run my AC, looking forward to that happening! So this should be the last night of discomfort, fingers crossed! I’m headed off now, so good night, babe! Love you!

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