Wednesday, April 3, 2024 – First Load Moved

Hi Babe,
Up bright and early and on the road by 8:00, though I had to spend some time on the phone with the Sunpass people to get my toll transponder activated. I had to use my trailer tag, they wouldn't transfer my truck tag over because it's still listed under my other brother's account, so I had to stop at one of the service plazas on the turnpike to get that straightened out, but managed to get it done. I figured since I would be traveling up north, and specifically New York and New Jersey this summer, it would be worthwhile to get the pass that covers the most states, including Kentucky, so that when I pass over that bridge into Indiana, that's covered, too. Arrived just about on schedule at noon, though I was a couple of minutes late because I got stuck behind some slow truck for miles, but I was only a few minutes late. I spent the next hour and a half, by myself, getting my car running (which thankfully I was able to get started with my little jump starter), loading up the three boxes and my Honda generator into the back of the truck and in the car, and finally loading the car up onto the trailer, after letting it run for about 15 minutes, which is what it takes to get it to not stall out when I put it in gear. I put in some Stabil before I started it, and I think that helped, it wasn't running anywhere near as rough by the time I got it on the trailer. I finally pulled out about 1:45, ran into rain on the way, not to mention getting caught in the Orlando rush hour because it took so long to get everything done, so it was 7:00 by the time I got home. I was very happy that the trailer worked perfectly, no issues whatsoever. Not really looking forward to having to drive another 450 miles again on Friday, but it's the only day I have to do it, since my reservation in South Carolina on Tuesday for an event I'm helping to plan is already paid for, and I have had to jam pack everything else I need to do to prepare into my remaining few days here to accommodate a second trip south, so I'll be running around nonstop like the proverbial chicken with my head cut off until I finally head north. Looking forward to moving on, though, ready for a change of scene! Good night, darlin'! Love you!

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