Wednesday, April 14, 2021 – A Productive Day

Hi Honey!
A great night sleep, putting me in the mood to get some stuff done today. After breakfast and chores I ran down to the hardware store for a few supplies, then got busy on some odds and ends. I put sealant around the metal patches on the Logan trailer roof, and installed two new appliance bulbs under the microwave. One of them blew out yesterday, and I guess, judging by how much light there is now with both bulbs working, the other one had been blown for awhile. It was a bit tricky because one of the bulbs broke and left the socket in place, so I needed to use a mirror, flashlight and needle nose pliers to get the socket out, but I finally managed it. Looks really good now, almost too bright, even though the new bulbs are actually 5 watts less than the old ones! I did some bookkeeping and went through some mail that had been sitting around, and did a few more odds and ends to round off the day. Counting the days until I get back on the road again! Soon, very soon! I’m hoping I can get everything done before I leave, but if not, I’ll have plenty of time once I get on the road. Meanwhile, as always, I settled down for the evening, now it’s time for shower and bed! Good night, sweetie! Love you!

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