Tuesday, Oct. 7, 2014 – Water and Work Day

Woke up to find a ranger writing up pay envelopes for both vehicles, had a long discussion with him about it, before he agreed to take my issue (of paying for a full second vehicle) to his boss, who was the one that told me “tow” vehicles didn’t have to pay a fee. Anyway, he did tell me that there was water at Buckland station, which is just over the bridge on the main road, barely a mile away, rather than going all the way into the park to the dump station, so after breakfast, Hubby took the horse trailer and the two portable rain barrels to fill those up, while I spent the day working on the computer and doing paperwork. I have 4 bars of 4G on my phone, but it’s still dropping calls on me for some reason. Internet’s working fine, though, so I got some work done. Had another pleasant evening, looking forward to our ride tomorrow, and finally achieving our goal of having ridden in all 50 states!!

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