Tuesday, November 1, 2022 – Work, Work and More Work

Hey Darlin’,
Another busy, busy day, alone again, naturally! Started out early working on clearing the rest of the paddocks. The stretch in front of my trailer was the worst, and a few by the barn, but the ones along the road had very little in them, as there are few palm trees there. Piled them all up in two places, the firepit in front of me, and the one in front of Barn One that I used before. Then I fixed a gate on one of the paddocks out by the road, long overdue but I finally managed it. I had been waiting to get some help, but decided it wasn’t worth the hassle of asking anyone, so I figured out a way to do it on my own. Then I resumed some weed pulling and spraying, it seems my first coat did a pretty good job in some of the paddocks, mostly only new plants had grown. Burned the pile by the barn, then worked on spraying until about 4:00 when I ran out of time, because I wanted to burn the other pile near me. It started raining off and on during the afternoon, and old James came by with fuel for me as well. Took a while for my second pile to start burning well because it had gotten wet in the rain, but took that time to play with Lola while I finally sat down for a bit. Showered, had dinner and settled down for the evening. Still trying to figure out what to do tomorrow, though I want to finish the spraying. Thinking about going in for euchre and shopping and checking on Glenn’s pool (he got released from the hospital today, will be hanging out in his motorhome until he gets cleared to go home), but recreation James is also supposed to be coming over, not sure when. Heading to bed early, all this physical labor is catching up to me. Good night, babe! Love you!

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