Tuesday, Nov. 19, 2019 – Ride Day at Oak Mountain State Park

Had a great night sleep, my cold/flu is all but gone except the occasional cough, and woke up to temps 5 or 6 degrees warmer than what we've been dealing with lately, which felt like a much bigger change than it sounds. Got the horses fed and cleaned up, another load of laundry started, then Hubby got up feeling so well this morning he wanted to go riding! Yay! So after a while I saddled up the horses and we took an absolutely lovely 3.5 mile ride on the Lake Loop. Hubby managed to get on AND get off Apollo today, with no help from me! Looks like his back treatment is a success! The trails had some nice easy grades, and it weaved through some beautiful woods on the ridge, then down to the lake and back again. We both really enjoyed it. Flash was calmer because Apollo was with him, and he seemed to stop and wait for him on his own quite often. Apollo, not surprisingly, was a slug for the first half, but then when we turned on the bottom side of the loop (and we were heading back in the direction of the barn :-), his tempo picked up, as did Flash's. Hubby did just fine, no pain at all, even though it was a longer ride than he's done in a long time! Got back to camp, settled the horses back in their stalls, started Hubby's dialysis session and more laundry, and settled down for the rest of a quiet day.

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