Tuesday, May 3, 2022 – Puttering Plus Rain

Hi Sweetie,
Another good night sleep, been getting a lot of them lately! Did chores and breakfast, then spent some time cleaning out a couple of paddock, using a tarp to drag the windrow over to what I’m calling the “burn” pile, hoping that people will come fetch stuff out of it for their campfires, which a few people have been doing, so it’s been going down, though I added some more to it today. Did a little incidental housekeeping, not my intention but it happened anyway. One of the burners on my stove quit working awhile back, finally took the lid off and found a loose wire, snapped that back in, then cleaned it all out. Then it began to rain like crazy, looks like it’s going to be like this all week, and I found my bedroom window leaking again. This is the one I put the new seal on last year, and resealed last week, so either I have a serious problem with the seal, or it’s coming from somewhere else. There are two “drain holes” on the top and bottom of the window frame, I’m not sure why they have some on top, I’m thinking of putting some duct tape over the top ones to see if that’s where the leak is coming from, if not, I’ll have to think about taking the window out and sealing it again, apparently I must have done something wrong last time, though I don’t know what. I also found a puddle coming out by the bathroom door, and had to take out the vent cover on the cold air return as well as under the shower to try and find it. Haven’t quite pinpointed it, but I think I found out where my little ant problem is coming from. I’ve put foam insulation around all of the pipes in this trailer except the drain under the shower, which I didn’t think I could reach, but with the duct cover off the shower, I should be able to, so that’s a chore for tomorrow. I could hear water dripping, but still can’t figure out exactly where it’s coming from, but I suspect it may be around the sunroof over the shower, maybe along that edge, since that would put it just about where the wall joint is, and that seems to be where it’s coming from. So tomorrow I’ll be on the roof with some lap sealant doing that whole section again. Hopefully, those two fixes will make me watertight again. Nothing worse than a leaky trailer! Mostly read and watched TV again today other than that. Time for shower and bed again! Good night, hon! Love you!

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