Tuesday, June 27, 2023 – Short (Relatively) Ride from Rapid River to Schecks

Hiya Sweetie!
Sorry to say, I did not get as good night sleep as I thought I would consider the nine hour ride yesterday. I took three ibuprofen when I went to bed at 8:30 (yes, children, 8:30!) and was asleep pretty quick, but then I woke up at about 1:30 and couldn’t get back to sleep for nearly two hours. I took some aspirin, since that usually helps, but it didn’t seem to do anything. Finally woke up to the alarm and got the day going. I hadn’t packed up my tack in the plastic bag yet, I left it in the back of the trailer to dry a bit, so I had a little more work to do than usual. Nevertheless, I was moving out at 6:00, right on schedule, arrived at Schecks about fifty minutes later, did my setup, fed Lola and had breakfast, even had time to get my solar panel out, since we have a layover here tomorrow. Caught the bus back to Schecks, where I found Flash laying down. Jeff B. said he was laying down when he left, so he was obviously resting up from yesterday’s long ride. I gave him a bute tablet with his breakfast this morning, first time I’ve ever done that. I don’t like to use painkillers because they mask what might be a more serious problem, but considering I had mine last night, and he seemed none the worse for wear this morning, I gave him one, maybe that’s why he was getting so much sleep! Once we got on the trail by 9:00, he seemed in remarkable good spirits. I was sure he’s be a bit sluggish today (again, maybe the bute?), but we left just after Sammy and Susie, who are always moving out, and Flash was insistent of keeping up with them, going 5.5 mph for the entire first 10 miles of the trail! At one point, we opened up onto a sand road, and Flash took off at a full canter, passing everyone else! Crazy guy! Then they stopped for lunch at the lake where the watering hole was, and after letting Flash make bubbles and smack his lips a few times, we headed out again. Of course he slowed down a bit, but not that much, he was still full of energy, surprisingly! We had already passed all the rest of the ones who left before us from the bus, then I started passing folks with rig jumpers who got out even earlier, like the Gypsy Girls and Lucy and her mule. Arrived at came not much after 1:00, just about 19 miles. Sure seemed like a short ride! And it was beautiful, almost entirely single track, just how I like it, some nice hills, forest, just gorgeous. Got back to camp and got Flash settled in, debated whether or not to do laundry today or tomorrow (I decided tomorrow, it will be drier and sunnier earlier in the day), and then spent the afternoon mostly reading and trying to relax a bit. Eventually after dinner I started going around collecting contact information. I learned from prior experience that the next few days get a bit too hectic to do that, and we actually had a central campfire tonight, so I was able to get most people’s contact information, which is nice to have. Stayed at the campfire until past 9:30 (it was still light out!), decided to skip my shower, had a nice cup of Sleepytime tea, now I’m off to bed! Good night, babe! Love you!

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