Tuesday, Feb. 12, 2019 – Almost 13 Miles of Workout

Knowing that we had to be prepared to do three straight days of long mileage, I decided we were ready to do at least two days in a row of moderate length riding, and after having done 14+ miles yesterday, we took another 13+ miles today, again exploring some new territory to try to make it more interesting. Today we headed back out on Indiantown grade, this time cutting north after about a mile, then crossing east back along a canal all the way back to where the OTL trail comes out of the north end of Cypress Creek. We had a bit of trouble at that intersection, as there was only the narrowest of passes by the locked gate, not really a horse gate for some reason, so I had to get down and squeeze Flash through it. Not sure fat Apollo would have even fitted! Guess I'll have to find out if the other side of the canal has better access somewhere. There were a few hiking trails going into Cypress Trails before I hit the end of the canal, so we'll have to explore that next time to see if there's a way around that gate that's easier. South from there until we came to the Cypress Trails parking lot, then straight west home again. Another nice ride, though Flash was, understandably, a bit less excited about going for a ride this morning. Willing once we got started, but it took a bit to get him going at first. We have to do it, though, to build the stamina we're both going to need for the OTL ride!

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