Tuesday, August 10, 2010 – Dreary Day

Slept even later than usual, didn’t get out of bed till past 8:30, having heard the sound of a vehicle pass us, evidently the park workers came in to clean. I went out to feed the horses and discovered it was wet outside. Not exactly a rain as much as a collection of humidity dropping from the trees, and it was quite cool, in the low fifties. I covered up the hay with a tarp to protect it. After breakfast, Hubby finished re-working the drill pump setup, even adding a makeshift filter to keep the hose from clogging up, then we finished filling up the horses’ tubs plus a spare. It being so cool, they aren’t drinking much anyway. Though we had planned to ride today, with the weather being so damp and chilly, we thought the better of it and stayed in for the day, mostly reading and watching movies. Good idea, actually, helped us recover from last weekend’s long rides!

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