Tuesday, April 4, 2023 – Good First Day in Odessa

Hey Darlin’!
Had an excellent night sleep, the best I’ve had in awhile, thank goodness! Had a decent free breakfast, did some work on the workshop, then headed over to City Hall for my meeting with the City Manager. Had a lovely time reminiscing from our time six years ago, then took a trip over to the venue for the workshop with his executive assistant, got a whole tour of their brand new firehouse, which does, indeed, have a great room for the workshop. Got that mostly set up with the promise the rest will be done by morning. Absolutely LOVE driving around this little Beemer, which, of course, I put the top down on. One button and the whole thing takes care of itself! It’s far cry from the old MGB I had, and it was great fun driving! Interestingly, it has a Tennessee license plate on it, so somebody had a great long ride in it! Took an extra couple of laps around downtown just for the fun of it. Went to a local steakhouse for a nice dinner, then, because I was so close, went to the Old Globe Theatre (a replica of Shakespeare’s original, plus a replica of Anne Hathaway’s cottage as well,) but it was all locked up so I wasn’t able to get inside. I did wander the grounds for a few minutes, but that was all. Maybe if I come during the day on Friday someone will be here. Anyway, I drove back to the hotel to do a bit more workshop work, then I’ll be in bed shortly! Good night, babe! Love you!

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