Thursday, September 2, 2010 – Ride Day in Dru Barner

Hubby felt better today, especially after sleeping a little late this morning, so we decided to try taking a short ride. One of the rangers had told us about a loop known as the Enchanted Forest, but it seems they had been doing some clear-cutting there, so the name was probably a misnomer now. Anyway, Hubby thought he understood we could get to that loop without riding on the gravel road, but after several false starts, we realized that wasn’t exactly true. We opted to try the Dru Barner Trail out of the campground, which was a true trail. The trail was mostly dirt, some stone, and quite dusty. It was level for a bit, then we had some hills and dales, nothing very long, but some were a bit steep. We only went out for about an hour, just to keep the horses in shape, before turning around. It’s been getting quite hot here during the days, in the 90’s, the hottest weather we’ve seen since Colorado, so none of us really wanted to be out during the heat of the day. Hoping for a cooler day before we leave, would like to go a bit further on the trails, though, unfortunately, beyond the trail we were on it becomes multi-use trails, so we may not be too keen on them anyway. Got back within two hours, then I got back on the computer to do some more research. Hubby drove down to Auburn to get our mail, which I had had a friend forward to us, so now I have a stack of mail to go through tomorrow!

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