Thursday, May 4, 2023 – Second Ride at Lost Corral, Gee Wilderness

Hiya Sweetie!
Had an excellent night, slept later than I should have, but it was a frosty cold 37 degrees at 8:00, so it had to have been even colder before the sun came up! Stayed in bed a bit to keep warm, but eventually crawled out and got the day started. Definitely feeling better with all the sleep I’ve been getting out here! After the usual chores and breakfast, I saddled up Apollo today, and went exploring an old hiking trail by the creek, but didn’t get more than about 100 yards, it was too overgrown, lots of trees down over the trail, and just not suitable for horses anyway, so that was the end of that! Still needing the exercise, we headed up what is the one and only trail out of camp and climbed for awhile, till I felt he had had enough for an old, out of shape guy. Not to mention the trails are so full of gravel and sharp-edged rocks, it was really uncomfortable, even though I put boots on him. Funny thing, I had bought him a new pair of boots because one of his old pair was no good anymore, but then I found a boot out at Dupuis a few months back, and it turns out it’s the perfect mate for the one from the old pair! I used those because the new pair chafed him a lot last time, and I thought these would be better, and they seemed to be. Still, walking on all that rock wasn’t much fun, so we didn’t go very far before we turned around and came back down the mountain. A total of 4.2 miles is all we did, but Lola enjoyed herself, and the scenery was lovely. While I was riding, I decided I was going to move my trailer to a different site, one that was easy to back into and actually got some sun in the afternoon for my solar panel, so when I got back, we rode around to make sure the site was still available, and there was an Amish family there. I asked if they were camping or just having lunch, and they said it was just the latter, and they’d be leaving soon, so I headed back to camp and started getting packed up and hooked and ready to go. It wasn’t long before they left, so I moved everything over gradually, got done about 4:00. Was glad I did it, though, I got several good hours of solar energy, plus I’m not on a downward slope, which had me worried because there’s rain in the forecast and in the old site, the horses were at the bottom of the site and I was afraid with rain it would turn into a swamp down there. Now I’m on higher ground, the horses are more level, though I’m sorry to say that I had to clean up manure before I put the horses in, and I’m not talking about one or two last minute piles, I’m talking about half a day’s worth of manure from several horses. I just can’t understand people who don’t clean up after their horses when they leave a campsite, it’s so unfair! Anyway, I got everything set up again, then settled down for the evening. There was a fire going when the Amish left, so I built it up a little and cooked my chicken thighs on it for a change of pace, rather than use my grill. It’s a lovely evening, warmer temps are coming in with the rain, but I’m still going to put light blankets on the horses tonight, since it will be down in the upper 40’s. That’s it for the day! Good night, baby! Love you!

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