Thursday, July 9, 2020 – First Ride at Salamonie and Laundry

Hey Sweetie!
Flash and I finally got our first ride in today here, a bit more than 12 miles, and we only got lost two or three times. In fairness, I somehow lost my trail map, so I was only going by the GPS trail I had set for myself, which of course, doesn't show me the alternatives, but we made it back. The trails here aren't terribly interesting, with some that go through woods, others that skirt around the edges of fields, very few hills, and most are marked "steep" which must be for the benefit of the snowmobilers that share the trails in winter, because they certainly weren't all that steep for a horse. Flash had a lot more energy today than he's had in awhile, I guess a few days off have made a difference, or maybe he was just glad to be on trails that only had a few patches of gravel. We had a couple of lovely long canters, and our average speed was better than it has been. After we got back to camp and I rinsed him down and put him and Apollo on their anchors, I did a load of laundry and hung it out to dry. A few trailers came in, and from a girl across the way, I learned there's an endurance ride here this weekend, would you believe! I'm wondering if that's a sign that I should participate. It certainly explains why there were only four sites to choose from when I was booking my reservation last month! I'd never seen a horse camp that busy, glad to know there is a reason. The start time is 6:30 in the morning, so that alone my deter me! We'll see how I feel. Anyway, settled down for the evening, very hot today, still waiting for it to cool down inside the trailer, though outside is getting better. It's like this every night here, because I get the last rays of the sun, it takes longer to cool down inside. I ran the AC for awhile, but unless I run it for a long time, it doesn't help that much. I almost bought a filter for the AC the other day, but I hadn't measured for it, so I didn't bother. Today I took down that wood box, which I thought was where the filter would go, and made a fascinating discovery: underneath it was an ordinary AC vent just like in our previous Rvs! And to make matters worse, the vent was actually closed! I took it all apart, cleaned out the little washable filter, put it all back together again and left the vent open before putting the wooden box back on, and it blew out great! I still didn't leave it on long enough to blow out the hot air (well, maybe I did but it was still hot out when I turned it off), so I spent the evening with a small fan blowing on me, which helps a lot. Anyway, time for a cold shower and off to bed. Good night, baby! Love you!

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