Thursday, July 7, 2022 – Meeting With Bosses, Final Planning on Posts

Hi Babe,
Woke up a little later, got my chores and breakfast done just shortly before James and his boss Dan showed up, and spent two hours with them going around the campground looking at all the work that needs doing, and in particular, where to put the new “equestrian host” campsite! They’ve decided that this place is so busy during the season that one person really isn’t enough to handle both the equestrian and the non-equestrian campers, and that it would be useful for them to have someone who is actually a horse person to handle any issues that might arise. Now that since they’ve seen everything an equestrian camp host can do, they’re willing to foot the bill to have another full hookup built for such a person. Of course, that would be me for as long as I want the job, it would seem! I can think of worse places to be in the winter! Of course, I’ll still want to travel as long as I’m able, just not this year since I’m getting so close to getting this trail marking accomplished. After they left, I spent some time preparing for the work day this Saturday, making sure I had the right posts ready, organizing which sections to do first, etc. It started to rain pretty heavy, so it was a good way to spend a rainy afternoon. Finally settled down around 5:00, had dinner, watched a little TV as usual, now it’s close to shower and bedtime, so good night, my darlin’! Love you!

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