Thursday, July 14, 2022 – Final Four Posts, Trip to Indiantown

Hey Babe,
My final push for posts were four of them along a firebreak, which I thought would be easy, and though I got it done, there were a few white knuckle moments involved. It’s amazing how high the water has gotten out here in the last few weeks, and while most of it was fairly easily passable, there were a few moments that had me wondering if I’d made the right decision to try to get these final four posts out! In any event, this is the last time I’m venturing out with my tractor until the end of the rain season, it was just too damn scary! There’s no way to know just how deep the water is until you’re in it, and if it’s too deep, then it’s too late. I had a few near misses, but I managed to escape, but I’m not taking any more chances. I was out of camp around ten, and most of the next two hours was just driving to where I needed to be, as they were a bit further south, and it as slow going. Honestly, I would have probably traveled faster on that old slug Apollo, ut then I wouldn’t have had a post hole digger with me! Anyway, I got the four posts in, though one was in deep water, so who knows how well that will stay. I had planned on coming back he way I went in, but then decided it would be safer, since I was so near the east perimeter, to just take the powerline grade back, but even that had a few moments where I wasn’t sure I was going to make it. Ultimately, my little Yanmar got me home safe and sound, despite the challenges and uncertainty I felt! Knowing that these were my last posts, and I wanted to take off the post hole digger, I dug one more hole near a water valve so I could put a sign above it, then ended up removing the post hole digger in the carport, and hooking the bush hog back on. Since it was only noon when I got back, and shortly thereafter when I got the bush hog hooked up, I took a few minutes to finish mowing in some spots the mower skipped again last weekend. Then I drove into town, dealing with a thunderstorm, to pick up a few things. It was raining so hard that I decided to stop at a hair salon to get a long overdue haircut, though honestly, I wasn’t happy with the finished product, kind of wished I hadn’t bothered. Of course, it will grow out, but once again, I miss you cutting my hair, my love! You always did a better job than these ones I have to pay for! At least the rain stopped, allowing me to get to Tractor Supply for horse feed and some other tractor needs, then a quick stop at the IGA for a couple of grocery items, then back to camp. Topped off the horses’ water, at least they seem to be drinking a little more, then settled down for the rest of the evening. Had my shower when I got back from my job this morning, so now it’s just a matter of going to bed, which is where I’m headed now. Good night, sweetie! Love you!

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