Thursday, Feb. 13, 2020 – Long Conditioning Ride

Hi Sweetie,
Last night before I went to bed I got one of those muscle spasms in my back, so I took a couple of ibuprofen, hoping that a good night sleep would fix it, like it has in the past. Unfortunately, it was still somewhat there in the morning, and since I had planned on taking a ride today after I got back from the post office, I took some more ibuprofen. It worked a little for a while, but never completely got rid of the pain, and it really got bad once Flash and I got moving. By the time we did nearly 18.5 miles, I was really in pain. It was a good conditioning ride for Flash, though I think he sensed I was in pain, because he stayed at a walk most of the time, which made it a long ride, but a good one. I haven't had the time to work with him as much as I did last year, but I think he's doing pretty well. We saw a lot of wildlife today. A big turtle, three little black piglets, then later a bigger hog, a couple of young deer, even a racoon! Maybe it's the heat bringing them out, we've been having record highs here. I ended up having to ask Jeff to feed the horses for me. I took one of your heavy duty pain killers, and it helped a little, but not as much as I hoped. It started making me a little dizzy, too, so I'm not doing that again until bedtime! I spent the evening in my recliner, and could barely move enough to heat up some soup, though I did manage to take a shower. I put the heating pad on it, too, so I'm hoping that by tomorrow morning it will improve. I finished watching the last free season of Suits, but just like with Covert Action, they make you pay if you want to watch the last season. I started a new series, a PBS period piece that looks like it might be interesting. Now I'm ready for bed, though, hoping for a less painful day tomorrow! Good night, sweetie! Love you!

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