Thursday, December 14, 2023 – Water Buckets and Other Sundry Chores

Hey Darlin',
Had a long, tiring and productive day today. Jo and I put out all the water buckets, a job that was made much easier when one of the other volunteers dropped off all the tubs right to me, so we didn't have to go fetch them like we usually do. Had those all dropped off by lunchtime, so we went to Willards for lunch and met up with the same two forestry guys who are filling the tubs for us! Had a lovely lunch, then we went to Helen's where the race HQ is, put up signs and ribbons to cordon off all the different areas, then had to run back over and pick up some of the ribbons I gave the gals to mark the trails with because I needed some to finish off, then back to one of the water stops because one of our signs fell down. Long day! Full from lunch so I don't have to cook and clean up dinner, at least! Will absolutely be going to bed early, I have an other long day tomorrow! I've arranged with forestry to get one of their UTV's in the morning so I can check on the markers, because there has been a very strong wind all day and I'm worried about some of them falling down, especially since it will be windy again tomorrow. Loving this volunteer gig! Never could get a UTV out at Dupuis, no matter how much I needed one. Anyway, won't be long out of bed! Good night, baby! Love you!

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