Thursday, Aug. 6, 2015 – Ride Day to nearby Goundry Hill State Forest (Almost)

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Decided to try out another State Forest south of Sugar Hill that is technically part of the same trail system, so after breakfast we loaded up the horses in the trailer and headed down to where there is a parking area clearly marked on the map. Unfortunately, as we got further and further down the road, it got narrower, then we started seeing a bunch of Private Drive signs, and pretty soon we were at the "end" of the road, which had a driveway up a hill to a house, and the "road" turned into an overgrown two track that looked dubiously passable, and I wasn't about to haul a horse trailer back there without knowing whether I could get back out again, so we carefully turned around and headed out again, disappointed we wouldn't have a new forest to explore. Instead, we headed over to the parking area on Evergreen Hill Road at the sound end of Sugar Hill and took the A trail to the D and E trails, which turned out to be a very nice ride. A bit muddy in places, and with some rocks going up and down the steep hills, but I didn't put boots on Apollo because the mud here just sucks them off. Even Hubby lost a boot near the end of the ride, so I once again got to get myself all dirty retrieving it. Another beautiful day, perfect temps, gorgeous skies, couldn't ask for a better day to be alive and riding!

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