Thursday, April 4, 2024 – More Stuff Done

Hey Sweetie,
Had a terrible night sleep. Went to bed a bit early, around 10:00, asleep by 10:30, then awake at 2:00 and didn't get back to sleep except a quick doze around 6:00 with my alarm going off at 6:30. Needless to say, I felt tired all day, and ran on adrenaline because I had so much to do. Met Jo over at Yvette's house, she helped me move some furniture to make room for the Buick. When I partially closed the window yesterday, I realized later that I might not be able to reach the hood lever, and that would make jump starting problematic, but fortunately that fear was unfounded, I had no trouble getting the hood open, or jump starting it. Once we got the power window down, Jo crawled in and cranked it up while I jumped it, and thankfully, it ran a lot better today. It only took about five minutes for it to be able to be shifted into gear without stalling, and the engine was running a lot smoother, so I'm hopefully the rough running is mostly about bad gas, but I won't know for sure until I get back next season and start to work on it in earnest. Still, it had that fabulous Panther Purr going, which was so good to hear! We got it all done, along with several boxes of stuff moved, in only about an hour. Got back to camp and unhooked, then got busy with other things, like moving the generator and one big bag into the small horse trailer, pulling out the tarp to dry, doing a bit of housekeeping, and generally heading in the "packing up" direction. Then I got a call from my friend Sandy that they were passing through the Ocala neighborhood and wanted to stop by, so I (thankfully!) was able to take about an hour break to have a nice, albeit short, visit with them. I had a very hard-to-get appointment for Lola this afternoon, and we just couldn't miss it, so we went our separate ways and I ran down to Dunnellon and took care of that vet appointment. A quick stop to fill up with the cheapest diesel in town (at Murphy), a few things picked up at Walmart and Tractor Supply, then a run back over to Dave's Auto World in Inglis for them to recheck my brakes and to check for a leak in my power steering box (the one I had replaced last summer). Dave put some dye in it the other day, and he found a very tiny leak, so he just said to keep an eye on it for now. Fair enough! He and his family came down here from Watkins Glen, NY, so they're upstaters like me, and we chatted for a bit before I headed home. Stopped at HQ to pick up a couple of things that were found after the Taste of Goethe that belonged to me, then back to camp, shortly after fed the horses, had a lovely dinner of garlic shrimp burrito and a couple of drinks, then nodded off while watching TV before 7:30, a clear indication of just how tired I am! Heading for shower and bed soon! Good night, baby! Love you!

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