Thursday, April 25, 2024 – Busy Day of Laundry, Housekeeping and Hay

Hey Sweetie,
Woke up at 8:00, laid in until after 9:00, then got busy! Did three loads of laundry, a whole bunch of deep housekeeping, then once all the laundry was on the line (it was a beautiful morning and a beautiful day!), finally headed out at 2:00 to pick up some hay. Went into Society Hill and cleaned out the hay guy's trailer of his last eight bales, which I stored in the back of the trailer. I was hoping he had ten to get me through, but eight is all he had! Once I got that put away, I took down the laundry, finished up just before 5:00, which was time enough to celebrate a final day of work, so I mixed myself a martini or two (having indulged myself into buying some gin at the ABC store) and finally getting relaxed for the evening. I'll probably regret it in the morning, but I'm definitely enjoying it tonight! Watched a rather strange Matthew MacConaughy movie, and now I'm ready for shower and bed on fresh, air dried sheets! Good night, babe! Love you!

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